Chapter 12

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20 men with all black and combat boots began to spread out and check the students and their belongings. Abi watched as the men went down the two lines checking for each student. their pockets, shoes, tops, and even luggage. even though it was their job, Abi thought the searching was rather...Aggressive. Don't get her wrong, she understood why they had to do it, but it was unnecessary to use such force, they were just students that wanted a damn vacation. One of the men eventually came up to Thomas and aggressively turned him around, Thomas's face looked taken aback. "Hey!" Maddy spoke up to one of the Men. "Babe-" Thomas cut her off and nodded reassuring her. Abi couldn't believe he just called her babe, They just fucking met! Maddy looked at Thomas then the man glaring at him and he was doing the same. Maddy faced forward beside Abi "What an asshole." she mumbled, Abi rolled her eyes and looked over to Maddy. "They're just doing their job." "yeah so?" Maddy whispered to Abi "You saw that shit, that wasn't okay."

Abi could see how upset Maddy was, but it was surely not worth getting kicked off the island, Especially for someone she had just met! "Just, be careful okay?" Abi said, "Fine." Maddy pouted. The Men finally Approached Maddy, Abi, and Elle. They turned them around and searched them. They took away their headphones, phones, devices, and watches. The man patted down Abi as she stood spread out, Abi looked left and right as she watched her friends being searched as well. they took her phone and headphones. "Good." was all the man said before moving on, but as soon as he was walking Abi called him. "Excuse me?" he stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Yes?" he asked, Abi took a moment, "Sorry, never mind." she smiled. "okay." He nodded then continued walking over to the next person.

Maddy nudged her, "What was that about?" Abi looked down staring at her shoes, "it was nothing, just being stupid." Abi smiled to herself. "ouuuu someone has a crush." Maddy danced and smiled. "ew, gross, no!" Abi laughed. Abi looked back down, staring at her feet, where deep in her socks was the flip phone her mother gave her.

"Bro, can we please go and meet the chicks?" Ethan groaned on the couch. "why the fuck are you so damn desperate?" Matt looked over to Ethan. "And Ethan don't you have a well I don't know a girlfriend?" Davis asked confused. The boys turned and looked at Ethan. "Oh come on D! What type of question is that? Is she here?! huh? I don't see her!" Ethan looked at them with his hands on his hips. "uh No?" Matt furrowed his brows in confusion. "Okay then! there's your answer!" Ethan crossed his arms and sat back on the couch pointing like a baby. Davis and Matt looked at each other and shook their heads.

Atlas came downstairs, "Okay I'm officially done packing, He cheered. "Finally!" Etham jumped up, "I need to get laid or I'll pass the fuck out!" Atlas furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head in confusion and pointed at Ethan. "Don't you hav-" "Don't even bother." Davis shook his head, at Atlas. "well okay! let's go then. Atlas said. Matt turned off the TV, all the boys headed towards the door

In two lines the Girls arrived at where they would be staying it was absolutely beautiful, there were huts and a place to swim, and it looked unreal, They all looked around in awe. In the crowd, you can hear gasps and squealing. "Omg! Omg! Omg!" Elle shook Abi holding onto her shoulders. Abi giggled at her cute excitement. "we are going to make so many memories guys!"Maddy from the other line whispered to Elle and Abi. The women who led them stood tall and firm. " Hello, retreaters! you are about to officially become a resident of Camp Olympus!" Everyone clapped and poked their heads to see the speaker.

"Look to the person beside you!" the speaker ordered. Abi looked to the person beside her and it was a Timid girl with a teddy bear in her hand near her chest. The both smiled at each other as Abi turned back. "That will be your new roommate!" the woman yelled! Abi's smile completely dropped.

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