Chapter 7

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once the two parents left, Maddy closed the door, turned around, and sighed, but she wasn't the only one who sighed. both girls looked at each other eyes widened in shock and confusion. Abi furrowed her eyebrows "What are you sighing about?" she asked. Maddy looked at her "What do you mean? why wouldn't I sigh?" Before Abi could even respond, Maddy continued. "you saw how annoying my mom was." she put her hand on her forehead and shook her head. "Yeah, she seems like a total-" "Bitch?" Maddy finished Abi's sentence. "no offense." Abi said feeling bad. "no trust me it's fine, almost everyone says that.

She wasn't always like that you know? just until that demon walked into our lives." Maddy said staring at her posters bitterly. "that's not your dad?" Abi asked. "Fuck no, him? Yeah no, my dad is in prison" Maddy said taking out some clothes from her purse. abi felt relieved she didn't know how to tell her that she was this close to punching her father square in his jaw. " do you mind if I ask why?" Abi said feeling guilty for judging Maddy. "18 years he "murdered" someone, it was a total setup, he wouldn't hurt a fly." Maddy got up and went to her closet Abi's eyes following her. " you might think I'm in denial but I'm not, it was a setup, by his bosses, have you heard of a hitman?" she looked at Abi. She was totally in denial, Abi thought, but she could totally understand, that it's hard losing someone you love. "Didn't take long for that hag to take the money and go find someone new," Maddy said taking off her pants and putting a skirt on.

"I know I shouldn't be sharing all this on the first day of our meeting, haha, you probably think I'm a maniac." Maddy smiled. Abi squinted her eyes at her, watching her put her pants on, trying to figure Maddy out trying to see how she thinks. "I lost my brother not too long ago, it was hard," Abi said. Madison was taken aback as her eyes widened. "jeez I'm so sorry." "No, it's fine, I moved here from Nigeria without my brother or parents, and I lived with my aunt for as long I can remember and she is not much of an angel either, actually I'm glad she refused to help me move in because her being here would probably have been even more stressful." Abi laughed to herself. By this time Maddy put on her skirt and just sat on her bed and listened to Abi. "looks like we're both pretty fucked up with fucked up people around us." Maddy joked. Abi chuckled "yeah, that's true." Maddy got up from the bed held up her hand and smiled. " I feel like we didn't get to properly introduce ourselves.

So I'll go first, Hi I'm Madison, you can call me Maddy I'm your roommate and I can't wait to spend a year with you." she smiled with her rosy cheeks. Abi looked at her hand and then proceeded to hold on to it, smiling at Maddy. "Hi, I'm Abiola, you can call me Abi, I'm your roommate and I have a feeling this year is going to be the best. both girls smiled at each other."

abi felt a tap on her head, she briefly opened her eyes and looked back the best she could. "did you hear that? we're almost there." elles squealed. "Really?" Abi asked turning back and facing the screen of the map, it was true, there were 20 minutes left of the flight. Abi was excited and could practically hear her heart beating out of her chest. "I swear guys, as soon as we get there I'm taking a nap on the beach," Maddy called across the seat. "mhmmm with a mango smoothie," Elle added. "mango smooth? how about a mango!" Abi said earning giggles from the girls. the girls were pretty loud but it didn't seem to bother the rest of the passengers on the plane who seemed to be heading to the island as well.

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