Chapter 8

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once the girls stepped out of the plane, everyone was standing on the platform waiting, as white vans were driving in and parking. they were there to drive the students to the island. all the students were so excited you could hear the excitement. Many planes were landing still, one by one, and more and more excited students were stepping out. Abi looked around happy, she loved the vibe, as she looked at a flight attendant still smiling and saying goodbye to the last of the passengers on one of the planes. As Abi was staring at her longer she saw that as soon as the last student stepped down the flight attendant's facial expression slowly changed, she put her hand down slowly from waving and stared at the crowd of students sadly, and then put her hand over her mouth shaking her head and crying while walking away.

Abi watched this and furrowed her eyebrows but didn't have time to even process what happened when Maddy and Elle came over to her with orange tickets in their hand. "check this out none of us are in the same vans how anything is that?" Maddy  rolled her eyes  "That was one thing, they should have got right, people want to ride with their friends." Elle said. "yeah, I know right."  Maddy agreed. "well at least we'll  be in the same room or area right?" Abi said obviously distracted by her thoughts looking around.

"Hey Abi  you okay?" Maddy asked concerned, and so was Elle. Abi finally snapped out of it. "what, of course, I'm fine! Hellooo, private island, margaritas!!!"  she said laughing, the girls began to laugh with her. "girl I was getting worried." Maddy playfully hit her arm. "come on! you know me...look I'll catch you guys in paradise okayy." Abi smiled taking her ticket out of Maddy's hand and pointing to the girls as she walked away. "see ya." the girls waved. Abi took a huge sigh and looked at her ticket "#243, 243,243" She looked around trying to search for her van, then found it and saw a man smoking beside the van. Abi walked toward the man and smiled. "Hello." she greeted. "Hello, may I see your ticket?" he smiled.

Abi handed the man her ticket and stared at him as he closed one eye examining her ticket while balancing his cigarette in his mouth. "Alright, perfect." the man swiftly opened the van door and ushered Abi in. "Thanks,"  "My pleasure." the man tipped his hat. Abi gave a glance at the students who were already in the van, and it was a few, some were sleeping, some were using their phones, and most looking out the window, the vibe felt a bit underwhelming, Abi thought. She could understand, that flight was very long and hot.

" you think she'll be okay?" Elle asked Maddy as they both watched Abi walk away. " Yes of course! Abi promised she'd have fun and not let her skepticism get in the way of it, and she always keeps her promises." Maddy assured Elle, and Elle nodded. "welp I'll see you later, I'm going to catch my van before it takes off without me." Elle waved and began running. "same." Maddy mumbled to herself before looking down at the pavement. "she'll be fine..we'll be fine." she whispered to herself before walking away, looking back and looking around and putting her hands in her pockets.

Plop! The sound of the bag hitting the wooden floor  "Oh yeah this house looks great!!" Ethan said as he ran through the house, "Dude calm down, stop acting like you've never been on a fucking island before." Davis put his hands up. "Right, stop acting like an animal." Matt scolded. Ethan went upstairs found a room and plopped onto the bed. Atlas walked around the house slowly examining every part of it. Davis caught this and asked, "What ya  think?" 

Atlas looked back at Davis and shrugged his shoulders, "It's okay, not bad." he gave a half smile then pulled back the curtains for a quick second to look outside, As Matt took a seat on the couch. " yeah I agree, it's not as fancy as I thought it would be." Davis said crossing his arms and looking around the house.

"we are very sorry, If it's not up to your liking Mr. Augustus, if there is anything and I mean anything we can do to make your stay better please do not hesitate to let us know." a lady's voice rang in the house as the boys turned and looked.

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