Chapter 9

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The lady wore a red veil on her head as well as a long flowy red dress, her face seemed youthful, even though you could tell she was in the late 40s or 50s with a few gifted wrinkles here and there. This was Miss Vera the head of the camp, who made sure everything ran smoothly. No matter what it took she will get it done. Besides her, she had two securities. "No, it's fine, I'm sure it's part of the experience, right?" Atlas flashed a fake smile and then went upstairs to go and pick his room. Just then Ethan ran downstairs again, "Imagine all the hot sex I'm going to have?" Ethan said obnoxiously. Davis rolled his eyes and shook his head. "That reminds me, where are the babes?" he asked while taking a seat on the couch next to Matt. Miss Vera turned to Ethan and smiled. "your plane is one of the first to arrive so you're very very early, the others have not arrived yet." Ethan Davis and Matt nodded.

Atlas went into the master bedroom and also examined it. He had a walk-in closet as well as a private bathroom. Atlas looked around and shook his head as he sat on his bed and turned on his phone, to see he had no signal. "No signal? Of course!" Atlas turned off his phone and tossed it onto the floor. How was he going to call his grandparents? or show that he's doing fine? I guess the point is to live in the moment right?

Atlas came down the stairs, "Why do you have security with you?" Davis asked with his hands in his pockets. "well, we take safety very seriously here at Haven." she said smiling. "but isn't this some like some safety haven or something." Matt joked, looking around. "it is, but you never know.. anything can happen, it's good to stay prepared you know." she assured "I agree." Atlas spoke up, miss vera's eyes turned quickly to him and met his eyes as she squinted and smiled. "Thank you, you know down here we have a saying that goes, whatever happens in Haven stays in Haven." she tilted her head slightly while still smiling and staring at Atlas.

"cool," Ethan said getting up and going to the kitchen to grab a beer. All the boys began to move around to go and do other things. When Miss Vera caught this she smiled widely showing her perfect white teeth. then cleared her throat, she flung her arms high into the air. "you are the house of Zeus! the highest house on the island Olympus, you make the rules, you break the rules, you. set. the. standard! you are leaders! honor always to house Zeus." she announced as she and her security bowed to the boys. it was quiet for a moment and all you could hear was Ethan's clapping. The rest of the boys stood there frozen trying to process what just happened. "House Zeus, like a frat house? Matt asked. "something like that." Miss Vera went back to standing still and clasped her hands together. "yeah, we're in a frat too." Davis smiled pointing at all of them. "That's wonderful." Miss Vera said. "So this place is like Greek life?" Matt asked. "Greek...yes Greek," she said not fully understanding what they were talking about but still smiling. "Then we should fit right in" Atlas smiled. Miss Vera once again sharply turned to Atlas and fixated on him, as a smile slowly crept on her face. "yes you will."

the boys then began to converse with each other as they became excited, ignoring miss vera. Miss Vera then turned and signaled the security to follow her out as they left and closed the door, Miss Vera turned to the security and said. "you see that boy, blue-eyed, black hair one, whatever he wants he gets, no ifs, no buts, you get it for him even if it costs you your useless life! you tell everyone to make sure he and his friends have the best time on this island, do I make myself clear?" she scolds. "yes Miss Vera!" the two men on her side said at the same time.

Miss Vera turned and began walking away as well as the two men behind her, one of the men looked up towards the palm tree and looked back down helplessly with a single tear leaving his eye. it appeared to be a camera hidden in the tree that followed them as they left the villa.

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