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Travis sat down on his bed, sighing. he had sinned. he sinned horribly. oh if his father found out he would be dead meat. oh god. furious banging was heard on Travis's locked door. he had showed his test results to his father and he was sure to beat him up.


"GOD DAMN IT! TRAVIS!" Kenneth yelled louder.

Travis opened the door.

Kenneth's hands grabbed him by the neck. "TELL ME. WHY DID YOU GET A D- ON YOUR TEST." Kenneth yelled.

"I-I don't know Father!" Yelled Travis. he could barely talk.

"TELL ME. NOW." Kenneth yelled back.

Travis made chocking noises.

"I-I STUDIED HARD! I PROMISE!" Travis yelled. his lack of air made it impossible to speak.

Kenneth frowned and threw Travis to the ground. Travis could feel a giant bruise forming on his neck.

Kenneth pulled Travis by the ear and took him into the basement. "Now you stay there. you HEAR me?" Kenneth yelled. he threw Travis down the stairs. Travis's back started bleeding.

Kenneth came back with Travis's bible. Kenneth slammed the door shut. Travis had got the worse punishment in the household. getting thrown in the basement. Oh why?

the only times he could exit the basement was for 1. making breakfast for Kenneth 2. going to school and 3. more punishments and praying.

Travis curled into a ball on the cold floor. Tears started to stream down Travis's face. it was going to be a freezing night. especially since he had to sleep on the singular rag on the floor.

damn it god! why can't you protect me for once! Travis thought. Travis grabbed the sharp end of his cross necklace and scratched his arm with it. it opened closed scars. sure it hurt but it was the only entertainment he could have.

it was morning when Travis got woken up by the screams of his father.

"WAKE UP YOU TWINK!" Yelled Kenneth.

"YES FATHER!" Travis yelled back.

the only thing Travis had to put on was his green shoes. he had slept in his clothes from yesterday. his clothes sure they were soaked in his blood but it wasn't so visible. right?

He ran outside with his backpack on his shoulder. the bus was right there. 

The bus driver stared at Travis. Travis felt a wave of uncomfortableness come over him. he walked fast to his usual seat. even sitting down hurt. his ribcage hurt and his legs hurt. 

then, the bus stopped in front of Addison apartments. He could see the boy with blue pigtails run to the bus. "hey Trav!" Sal said. 

Travis scowled and grunted at him. He couldn't tell if Sal was ashamed or sad after he did that. it's all because of that stupid mask!

Larry walked in and glared at Travis. Travis groaned. he was not in the mood for this shit right now!

the bell rang. all the kids in his English class sighed a breath of relief and ran to the lunch room. Travis was the last one to the lunch room. Travis sat down with his lunch tray. then, out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sal waving at him to come over to his table. Travis was surprised. 

"Are you going to come or what?" Sal yelled. Travis smiled but it wasn't noticeable. 

"Fine you Freak!" Travis yelled back, trying to make it sound like he was annoyed. Sal knew he was lying. 

Travis sat down with his journal and his lunch tray. Larry frowned. 

"Does he really have to sit here?" Larry whispered to Sal. 

"I told him he could." Sal whispers back to Larry who just glared at Travis.  

"why aren't you eating your food? are you really afraid of beans Phelps?" Larry mocks.

"Shut up, Johnson." Travis mutters to him.

Larry mocks him.

Travis frowns.

"Hey calm down now." Sal says. Travis and Larry stare at him. they both look at each other and glare. 

"Excuse me, I have to do something." Travis says, getting up from the lunch table. he goes to the restroom, the same stall he always goes to to be exact. He hunches over the toilet and he then grabs 2 of his fingers and shoves it down his throat. vomit started spewing out of his mouth and into the toilet bowl.

it burned his throat but he knew that he still would've had to do that when he got home. he heard footsteps. and saw the blue worn out convers. "Trav are you okay? I can hear that your throwing up in there." Sal asks, clearly concerned.

"Oh uh-...Yea! The food must've not sat right with me. I'm okay. I promise." Saying that only made Travis feel worse. that he was lying to the person he loved the most.

"If you say so." Sal said, deeply concerned. Travis frowns.

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