Chapter 2

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March 1st, 2015

Rowan was just pulling into her driveway when her phone rang, which was the last thing she wanted today.

She took a deep breath and shakily tapped the green phone on the screen,

"Hey Boss," she breathed, "what's up?"

"Rowan, I hate saying this, but you've been traded," he said somberly, "as you know your contract is up by the end of this year, and with the record breaking season you've been having we've decided to make a deal with a team that has a better shot of winning The Cup this year than we do."

"Where am I going?"


"Okay," she said, collecting her thoughts.

"At least you have a place to stay already." He chuckled.

"Ha, yeah" she laughed lightly, "I'll be by later to get my gear."

"We'll miss you, Rowan. I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you."

With that she hung up the phone and blew a loose strand of curly hair out of her face. She got out of her Land Rover and shuffled into her mud room.

"Fuuuck!" She yelled the second she got inside.

It's not that she was mad about going home, playing for her dad and having a chance at winning The Cup it's that she was mad about having to play with the most egotistical, overrated captain in the NHL, Sidney Crosby.

She figured she'd start packing up her clothes now and go and get her gear later, and then off to the 412. She loaded up her 2 large suitcases with clothes, shoes, and hair care supplies. Oh the joys of curly hair!

"Onyx, I'll be back," she petted her Mastiffs head, "be good."

She held back her tears as she drove through Philly and to the Wells Fargo Center for the last time on her own. When she got there she smiled at the security guards and miscellaneous workers as she walked down to the locker room. She packed up her gear and gathered up her sticks, taping them all together and labeling them 'Lemieux 33'. She looked at the locker room for the last time and let a couple tears roll down her cheeks.

"Row what are you-" Claude walked up behind her, "no."

"Yeah," she turned to him, "and to fucking Pittsburgh of all places."

"You're kidding me," he almost laughed.

"No, I'm not," she smiled at him, "I'll see you later Claude." She said walking away.

She was never good at goodbyes.

"Row, wait," he grabbed her arm, "come over, now."

"Okay." She smirked at him.

She tossed her bag and sticks into her car and drove to Claude's ever familiar house. She threw her car in park and quickly walked up to the unlocked front door. As soon as she stepped through the door she was gladly met by Claude's anxious lips and rough hands.

In a flash, they're both naked and making out heavily on his bed, limbs intertwining themselves with other limbs. Fingers toying and playing with whatever they can find.

She reaches up and pulls him into a kiss as he sinks into her warm, inviting body. He starts thrusting, a mixture of desperate and loving, he moves his hands around her as if he'll never see her again.

"Fuck, Claude. Oh fuck. God." She pants.

"Row, God, I love you."

"Shit, I'm close."

Simultaneously the two release. He eventually stop thrusting and places a his head on her shoulder, before he pulls out and falls to her side.

"God, I'm gonna miss this." Claude panted as they laid cuddled next to each other, "I'm gonna miss you." He said placing a kiss to the crown of her head.

"I'm gonna miss you too." She smiled rolling over, on top of him.

She placed kisses along his pecs and smiled up at him, as he traced the patterns of her black and white tattoo sleeve. The two laid in silence until Rowan rolled off him.

"I should get going," she grabbed her pants off the floor, "I gotta finish packing and then I have to start driving by 5 if I wanna make it to Pitt before it's to late."

"I'll miss you Claude, tell all the guys I miss them too and I'll see them in early April." She smiled as she got dressed and walked out of the room and eventually out of his house.

AN: Not gonna lie, I got a little sick while writing the steamy bits with Claude Giourx. *insert disgusted face emoji here*

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