Chapter 12

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"Rowan Lemieux: The reason the Penguins season ended so early." Sidney read.

"What?" Rowan said just as she finished putting in an earring, "Let me see that!"

"Rowan Lemieux, the deadline addition that completely destroyed the Penguins chemistry and Cup hopes. Between conflicts with teammates, and arguing with the coach she ruined the Pittsburgh clubs chance in the playoffs." She scoffed. 

"It's bullshit, Row. You helped us, if it wasn't for you we might not have even made the playoffs."

"I know I helped, we all did." She muttered, "it just wasn't enough." She sat down on her bed.

Sidney sat next to her and placed a careful hand on her knee, "it's never enough unless the Cups over your head."

"You know what," Rowan sat up, "let's forget the season, let's forget the shit show that happened in New York and let's go get drunk and focus on winning gold." She rambled.

"That's a plan I can agree with."

1 beer, 1 whiskey sour, and 4 shots later, Rowan was finally starting to forget the crushing pain of the final buzzer and hand shake line.

"Matty! Boys! Something told me you guys would end up here!" Rowan yelled as she saw Matt Duchene and company coming towards her and Sidney's booth.

"Yeah! We figured we'd get a drink or two in before we knock back the hard stuff tomorrow! After we win!" He yelled, sitting down next to Row and slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah, I've already cracked open the hard stuff tonight, don't worry." Rowan laughed and knocked back the rest of her drink.

"You were always good at getting to the hard stuff early." Claude chirped from across the table.

She shot him a 'if looks could kill' look and got up to make her way over to the thumping dance floor.

The music buzzing in her ears and alcohol pumping through her veins helped wash away the pain of the season. Every bruise, sprain, missed shot, and crushing loss slowly made its way out of her mind. She was so far gone in drinks and tequila shots that she wasn't even fazed by the man who came up and started dancing behind her.

"Let's get out of here, Row." How did he know her name? "Come on babe, let's leave, make up for lost time." She knew that voice.

Rowan turned around and saw the red-headed captain she had left standing in front of a Pittsburgh bar months before.

"Get off me!" She moved his hands off her hips and tried to move away, stumbling as she walked.

"Come on. Come with me." He grunted and pushed her in front of him, moving her intoxicated body towards the door.

"What's Row doing with Claude? I thought they hated each other." Tyson asked Sid as he spotted Claude pushing Rowan towards the door.

"I don't know." Sid shrugged, knocking back his drink.

"She looks uncomfortable." Sid turned in the direction Tyson was looking just as Rowan tried to push Claude away from her.

"I-I gotta go." Sid rushed out of his chair and towards the front of the building. "Hey. Hey!" Sid shouted as he stepped in between the two, "she said to leave her alone."

"She didn't say anything Sid," Claude took a step towards Sidney, "Mind your own damn business."

"I'm-I'm not going any where with you." Rowan slurred and pointed a finger at Claude.

"You heard what she said. Walk away man."

"I'm not going anywhere." Claude pushed Sid away from him.

Sidney took a step back before winding up and punching Claude once in the mouth.

"Sid!" Rowan stepped between the two and moved Sidney out of the way while Claude addressed his now bleeding mouth.

Sidney quickly escorted Rowan away from Claude and a cab before helping her inside and giving the driver their hotel name.

"What about our coats and stuff?" Rowan spoke quietly.

"I texted Nate, he said he'd get them."

By the time the pair had made it to Sidney's room they both has calmed down and sobered up.

"Look, about what happened, I just-" Rowan started.

"I'm sorry. Just the way he was touching you and trying to get you to go with him really pissed me off. I hated seeing you so uncomfortable, especially because with him. I overreacted and- and I shouldn't have hit him, but it was you he was grabbing. I'm sorry." Sidney interrupted, practically all in one breath.

"Don't apologize." Rowan placed a hand on Sid's shoulder, "I'm tired of guys walking walking over me and thinking I'm easy. Thank you for getting him off me."

"You, Rowan Lemieux, are everything but easy."

AN: I'm not trying to put Claude in a bad light here. It's all made up and for theatrical purposes only. I don't like him but I truly don't see him in that light. He's not P*trick K*ne.)

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