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King Kai: Okay today we'll learn my Two biggest Techniques the Kaioken and Spirit Bomb

Izuku: Sounds Badass

King Kai: indeed now the Kaioken is a Dangerous Technique

Goku: Really How so

King Kai: Well it boosts your stength,speed and other traits 

Izuku: I sense a Drawback

King Kai: Indeed you see when using it it breaks your body and baisically tears your muscles up

Izuku: Oh boy

King Kai and as for the Spirit bomb is a martial arts discipline that allows you to borrow energy from grass and trees, from people and animals, from inanimate objects and the atmosphere... And then to concentrate them and release them

Izuku: Wow sounds Useful 

King Kai: Indeed Now ready To learn

Both: YEA 

Goku and Izuku listened to King Kai as they practiced to learn the Kaioken and they did going above X2 as King Kai told them not to go above a triple as Izuku and Goku weren't listening and then they Practiced the Spirit Bomb

King Kai: Okay Now focus teh Energy call upon all living things

King Kai: okay Good form it into a Ball

Both did as King Kai made a block

Both: When ever your ready King kai

King Kai: Right and Remember don't Use your eyes Feel it out

Both: Right

They did it throwing the ball at the blocks destroying them

IzukU: Awesome

Goku: Sweet 

King Kai: mm hmm Remember you must not forget the energy to form the spirit bomb is gathered from all forms of life and the one on earth will be much more powerful and mishandling it will destroy earth Refrain from using it unless absolutely Necessary 

Izuku: Knock on wood but me and Kakarot are on the same level of strength and we should beat them 

Goku: He's Right

King kai: I understand but don't get cocky also Izuku 

Izuku: Yea 

King Kai: Those clothes are ugly lets fixed that

King kai worked his magic as Izuku had new clothes

King kai worked his magic as Izuku had new clothes

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Izuku: Wow I like these but why the sword 

King Kai; I thought it'd be awesome and you could use it

Izuku: COol

Iuzku took the sword off his back and did some sword attacks 

King Kai; I understand your from another Universe I must ask were you a hero over there

Izuku: yea until I was Betrayed by my friends and Family

Goku: Well they weren't your true Friends and Family because Real friends and Family wouldn't betray each other*Pats shoulder* It's Okay Because I'll be your friend and even tho it'd take time My friends will consider you a friend

Izuku: *Smiles* Thanks Kakarot

Goku: Your welcome now LETS TRAIN

Izuku: Right

They began to train as King Kai smiled 





Downsized the Goku and Izuku vs Vegeta chapter because well you'll see when you read it

THE BETRAYED SAIYAN WARRIORWhere stories live. Discover now