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We see Izuku Flying as Bulma is holding onto him as she's got her hands on his chest and can feel his Muscles as Krillin Speaks

Krillin: So Little Green

Dende: my name is dende 

Gohan: what's Guru Like

Dende: he's Kind and Understanding and is willing to share stories

Izuku: Like a Grandpa 

Dende: yea 

Bulma; That's Good 

Dende: THERE

They looked forward and saw it

They looked forward and saw it

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Izuku: Wow Pretty Big

Bulma: That's what I'll say

IZuku: huh

Bulma: *Blush* Nothing

They landed as the Door open and they saw this guy

They landed as the Door open and they saw this guy

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Nail: Hello I am Na-

Guru: NAIIIIIIIL I Saw a Bird

Nail:.....I am Nail protector of Lord Guru he has been awaiting your arrival

They walked in and were shocked by the huge Namekian Himself

They walked in and were shocked by the huge Namekian Himself

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Dende: Lord Guru

Guru: mmm Dende your safe

Dende: yes lord Guru our Planet is Under attack by Two Evil Tyrants and These People have saved me 

Izuku: Lord Guru

Guru: Guru will be fine

Izuku: O-Okay we originally came to ressurect our friends hopefully with the dragon balls but we saw Frieza and Right now the wishes are our secondary goal we will Liberate frieza

Guru: I sense Darkness,Light and Pain in your heart

Izuku: I-I have Suffered in the past and work with this tyrant but then a Friend changed me and turned me kinda Good I'm still on the path to redemption 

Guru smiled and spoke to Izuku

Guru: it is always honorable for one to recognize his wrongs and Turn goo Please step Forward

Izuku did as Guru placed his hand on Izuku's Head as Iuzku felt a Huge Power up from Guru

Izuku: Woa what was that

Guru: I have unlocked your potential please defeat frieza and save all my children

Izuku/Bulma: Wait do you have a Wife

Guru: whats that

Izuku and Bulma were dumbfounded as Gohan was studying and Guru Unlocked his and Krillins 

Guru: Here take The Dragon Ball and Make the wishes you need to make

IZuku: Wait Wishes

Dende: You get three but you need a Namekian to do the wishes

Bulma: Oh wow 

Guru: Please save our Planet

Izuku: We Will

They Flew off to go back to the Group when Izuku felt Five Powers approaching the Planet and Izuku Knew they had trouble 





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