Life's Full of Wasted Opportunities

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16+ part until the next bolded section, mijn vrienden. You won't miss anything important, this is just a bit of adult humor

"Guys!" Alessia stated loudly, gaining the locker room's full attention. "Tooney's askin', favorite quote?"

You placed your water bottle down on the floor. "Comfort. The enemy of progress."

Steph snapped her fingers. "You never know until you try."

Leah smiled. "Yeah, that's true. Life's full of wasted opportunities."

You nodded wistfully. "For real. I can't believe I had to wait sixteen years to get drunk."

The room erupted into laughter as Leah sputtered indignantly. "Don't put words in my mouth!"

You snorted. "What would you rather me put in it? Dick?"

The English captain's face flushed an even darker red while Lotte, Lauryn, and Kyra rolled around on the floor, incapacitated with giggles. "Shut the fuck up, Y/N."

"The only way I'm shutting up is if you make me."

Leah cracked her knuckles, still embarrassed from your sarcastic remark. "I'll shut yous up alright."

"What? You gonna put a dick in me mouth?"

"Oh my god, shut up!"

Okay, we're good yall (Slightly sensitive topics below) TW: Self-worth issues (I think... I suck at TWs, if this is wrong lmk)

"Hey," Kim said as she sat down next to you. "What's on your mind? You're too quiet to even be plotting something."

You were silent for a moment as you rest your elbows on your knees. "Just thinkin' 'bout the league standings."

"Yeah, right," she scoffed. "C'mon, spill it out."

"Am I too annoying?" You blurted out, unable to stop yourself. "Like, do I talk too much? Did I go too far with Leah? Does anybody actually like me? Does Lauryn love me? Does—"

"Woaaah, easy there, Tiger," the Scott placed her hand on your shoulder to stop your ranting. "First off, Lauryn is head-over-heels in love with you, and if you don't see it, you're blind. Second, everything that comes out of your mouth is funny, so no one's gonna complain if you talk too much, and there is no way that Leah is mad at you. And third, you're like everyone's unofficial annoying little sister than we all never knew we needed."

You blinked. "Really?"

"Yes, really," Kim confirmed, pulling you up by the hand off the cool metal bench. "Everyone's left already, so get your stuff. I'll give you a ride home."

"Thanks, Kimmy."

"Anytime, Little Mewis. Anytime."


"Lauryn!" You shouted, banging on the door with your fist. "Open the goddamn fookin' door before I put a hole in it!"

A few seconds later, your very disgruntled-looking girlfriend opened the door. "What is it? I'm on  FaceTime with me parents."

You could hear her dad, Gary, laughing in the background. "Lauryn, are ye' sure yer' girlfriend isn't Irish?"

"So?" She asked, leaning against the doorframe. "What did you need?"

The question snapped you out of your stupor. "I missed ye'."

"Awww," her mom cooed. "That's adorable. Both of yous, c'mere and let's chat."

Lauryn shook her head in amusement before pulling you by the wrist. "Let's go, ye' clingy koala."

You pulled Lauryn's head onto your chest, occasionally engaging in casual conversation with your girlfriend's parents while subconsciously raking your fingers through her hair.

"Gary!" Lauryn's mom suddenly huffed. "How come Y/N's less than half yer' age but is so much sweeter?"

Glancing down, you realized that you'd accidentally put your girlfriend to sleep. "Whoops."

Lauryn's dad shrugged. "I'm Irish, how romantic d'ye expect me to be?"

She laughed. "Good point."


"—Y/N? Wake up, love. We 'ave trainin'," Lauryn shook you awake, a gentle smile on her face. "Leah's dropped off your clothes and gear since she's heading there early."

"Noooo," you whined, snuggling deeper into her side. "It's too early."

"We can cuddle in the car."

You were off like a rocket. "What are ye' waitin' for? Time's a wastin'!"

Lauryn facepalmed, sighing heavily. "Shut up and get ready."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"You're so annoying."

"You love me."

"That I do."


"Y/N!" Katie yelled, turning to chase you along with Leah, Caitlin, and Steph. "Stop copying Viv and quit meggin' me, I'm sick of it!"

"Get your arse back here!" Caitlin hissed as you darted around Lotte. "I'm gonna kill you!"

"UNCLEEE!" You screeched, jumping onto the manager's back in terror. "THEY'RE TRYNA' KILL ME!"

Jonas chuckled, giving into your pleas. "You can't kill Y/N, girls. We need her, especially for our Man U match tomorrow."

Steph stuck out her tongue. "Damn you, Jonas!"

Jonas smiled wickedly. "5 Laps."



Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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