What the Hell is Wrong With You?

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Blame burnout for the lack of chapters (and school. Blame that too)


"Hey, Little Mewis," a hand was placed on your shoulder, causing you to turn around. "How's it going?"

You smiled. "Goin' well, thanks. You?"

Alanna dipped her head. "Good, thanks. Any chance you'll take it easy today?"

"None," you grinned evilly. "I won't stop until the score's 10-0."

The Aussie cringed, knowing that your threat wasn't empty. "But Sam wouldn't approve."



"Mewis! I hate you!" Mary Fowler complained as you sprinted past with the ball. "Lighten up! Please!"

You ignored her request, instead doing the opposite and burying the ball into top bins for goal number five with a cheeky smile. "I don't 'lighten up'. You'd best learn to toughen up instead."

Alex Greenwood sneered at you. "Har har, very funny. We'll best you one of these days, just you wait."

You snorted. "That day is clearly not today."



"Y/N!" Sam scolded the second you'd picked up your phone. "Why am I getting texts that you shitted on my Man City teammates?"

You spun around in your chair. "I don't know what yer' on 'bout."

Your sister exhaled loudly, placing her head in her hands. "You are the actual worst, you know that?"

"Ye', ye'," you rolled your eyes. "Yer' just jealous 'cause I'm mum and dad's favorite child."

"No you are no—"

You hung up the phone, effectively cutting her off as you grabbed your iPad and slipped out the door.

Being stuck in hotels were boring.


"Guys, where's Little Mewis?" Leah yelled, her hands on her hips as she surveyed the room for your presence. "I thought we said we were gonna keep an eye on her!"

Katie leapt to her feet. "Check her location!"

Everybody checked their phones, frowning when they realized your location was turned off.

"Lauryn, call your girlfriend!" Kim ordered, peering over the Irish girl's shoulder. "She's definitely not gonna pick up for the rest of us."

The Gunners all waited anxiously as the phone began to ring.

"If she doesn't pick up I swear— oh come off it!" Leah groaned. "She is awful!"

Kim sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Right, then. C'mon girls, we're going out."


Kyra glanced around the busy streets of Manchester. "If I was Y/N, where would I be?"

"A park!"

"A shooting range!"

"A video game store!"

"Old Trafford!"

Kyra blinked. "Okay, not helpful."

"Let's split up," Lotte suggested, placing a hand on Lauryn's shoulder comfortingly. "Lauryn and Cloe and I. The rest of you make your own groups."

"Yeah, let's do that," Steph agreed. "Caitlin, Kyra, with me."

The groups began to fan out, searching for your unresponsive self into the early hours of the evening.

"No one's found her yet," Jordan told Leah. "Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she shows up and said she went cliff div—"

The Midfielder came to a sudden halt, eyes locking in on your tall frame. "Nevermind, I found her."

Leah's head whipped around so fast it was surprising she didn't get whiplash. "Where?"

There you were, sitting inside a McDonalds with a Happy Meal box laying on its side. An empty bag of apple slices was haphazardly strewn across the table with used napkins, all of which were resting inside a vacant cheeseburger wrapper. And of course, who could miss the chicken nuggets that you were so contentedly munching on while watching Mr. Beast on your iPad?

Leah facepalmed. "We somehow forgot she's the biggest child ever. I'll call the others, you go get her."

The Englishwoman strolled inside, an amused expression donning her face. "What do you think you're doing, Y/N?"

"Hi, Jordy!" You waved enthusiastically, almost knocking your chocolate milk off the table. "What's up?"

She suppressed a smile. "Everyone's worried about you."

You ignored her remark, pushing a box of eight-piece chicken nuggets forwards. "Want some?"

"Ooh! Nuggets!"


"Y/N!" Steph chided as the entirety of Arsenal W.F.C approached your table. "You can't just run off like that without telling anybody! And Jordan, you're supposed to be telling her off, not sharing chicken nuggets!"

Jordan shrugged. "Oops."

"Y/N, what do you have to say for yourself?"

You swallowed. "I left a note on the bed. In neon green."

Leah scoffed. "Yeah, right. Katie already checked your room."

Just then, Kim's phone rang. "Hello?"

The captain put it on speaker. It was Katie. "Hey, guys?"

"We're kind of busy right now—"

"Y/N left a note on her bed. She's at McDonalds. It was neon green, I don't know how I missed it."

"Katie Alison McCabe!"

Ah... this took way longer than it shoulda

My bad yall, burnout's been a bitch

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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