We're Getting You a Babysitter

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"Y/N Y/M/N Mewis!" Steph scolded, her hands planted firmly on her hips as you attempted to discreetly dive through the window. "What the fuck are you- nevermind that, what the hell happened to your shin?"

You gingerly touched your bruised leg. "It's just a scratch, don't- ehm, don't worry 'bout it."

Lauryn gave you the 'no-cuddles-for-a-week-if-you-don't-cut-the-bullshit' look, causing your witty remarks to disappear faster than your braincells. "Ehm, I tried to do a front flip over one of those outdoor metal tables at that cafe down the street and banged me shin on the next table over."

Kim bit her lip, fed-up with your antics. "We're getting you a babysitter."

"I'm eighteen!" You protested loudly.

"You don't act like it," the Scot mused.

"Goddamnit Kim!"


"Hi," the Ellen White said.

"Hi," you said.

The two of you stared at each other blankly, unsure of how you'd gotten there.

"Sooo-?" She began, turning to her phone when you shrugged. "Just no trouble, please."

You mentally scoffed, making plans to jump out of your bedroom window. 'Trouble' was your middle name.


"Come and get it, ye' dumb fookin' dog," you sneered, watching carefully as the same pit bull from a few days ago growled menacingly. "You're goin' d- ACK-"

The both of you ended up on the floor once again, wrestling for no apparent reason until someone all too familiar appeared.

"Woah, woah, woa- Y/N what the fuck!?" Your sister-in-law gaped, as you shook the pit bull off of you victoriously. "Is that the same one as before?"

You smiled awkwardly, turning around to head back home. "Maybe... don't tell anyone 'bout this. Thanks love you byeeee!"


"Hi, babysitter," you greeted, casually strolling past her while she sat on the couch. "Bye, babysitter."

"Hi... bye,"the Englishwoman answered mindlessly before her head snapped up. "Wait a minute- where did you- bloody hell you're bleeding!"

You snickered as the former Lioness went into panic mode, dragging you to the bathroom by the wrist.

"You're fine, you're okay," Ellen breathed, taking the rubbing alcohol out of the cabinet. "Okay, Little Mewis. We're gonna clean you up, and you'll be good as new."

She pressed a band-aid to your shoulder. "Let's keep this a secret, yeah?"


"LAURYNN!" you exclaimed, leaping up and out of your seat and into her waiting arms. "I've missed ye'!"

She smiled, kissing your forehead gently. "We weren't even gone that long."

"How was the little devil, Ellen?" Kim inquired.

"Great," Ellen lied, a fake smile plastered to her face as you nodded encouragingly. "No trouble at all."

Katie gave you the side-eye. "Y/N, what the fook' did ye' do this time?"

Neither you nor the Englishwoman spoke, the two of you instead opting to stare at the ground.


"I fooked' up that pit bull." You mumbled.



"Sit," Kim ordered, her arms folded over her chest. "If you're going to act like a child, we'll treat you like one."

You groaned, obeying the skipper's command reluctantly. "And how long do I 'ave to sit 'ere for?"

"Ten minutes."

"Awwww," you whined. You sitting still for a whole ten minutes? Doing absolutely nothing? It was unheard of.

You attempted to stay stone-still so as not to receive more punishment, but not even thirty seconds in, your fingers began to twitch.

"Stop moving," Leah scolded, grabbing your fingers and squeezing lightly.

A minute later, your leg began to bounce.

"Y/N," Steph placed a hand on your leg, hindering it from any and all movement.

At the three-minute mark, your hands began shaking so violently that neither Katie nor Jordan could stop it.

"What has gotten into you?" Katie inquired. "You're all 'gotta go, gotta go' today."

Jordan leaned forward, whispering something in the Defender's ear.

Kim shook her head in amusement. "What's up with you, Little Mewis?"

You grinned sheepishly, shifting on the wooden seat. "I had coffee this mornin'."

"You have coffee every morning."

"I... lost track of how much sugar I put in it. There may have been 'bout... anywhere from three to eight tablespoons."

"Wha- I give up."

It's 2:12 AM and I have to get up at 6... oh well

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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