That's It?

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"Ready, Y/N?" Alessia asked, pulling you to your feet with a smile.

"Yup!" an easy match against Bristol City. Easy matches were fun. Or so you thought.


"I'm gonna kill 'er," you hissed, slapping Beth's hand away in favor of getting up by yourself. "She is the worst."

Beth frowned, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, don't. We need you next game."

You ignored her, sending a discreet middle finger to a smirking Megan Connolly. You'd have your revenge by the end of the match. They didn't call you Mr. Hothead for nothing.


"Goddamnit," you scowled at the Irish Midfielder as the Gooners erupted into cheers. "I score, but I still get put on me arse. You are insufferable."

Katie's national teammate said nothing, merely sticking out her tongue before returning to her starting position. You were so about to throw hands.


"OI!" you yelled, shoving the Bristol City captain backwards. "What's the matter with ye'? I ain't done shit to you!"

She shoved you back as both of your teammates tried to get between you. "What's the matter with me? What's the matter with me? What's the matter with ye'?"

The ref wormed his way through the crowd. "That's enough, you two."

"You're being a dick, that's what!" you sneered, struggling against the many pairs of hands attempting to hold you back.

"Y/N! Don't give in to your anger!" Stina tried, blinking rapidly in surprise as you threw her hands into her own face. "Let it go!"

You clenched your jaw, tossing Caitlin's arms off your midsection. "Who am I, Elsa? Mind your business, Blackstenius! Captain's orders!"

The ref reached for his pocket threatingly. "I'm not joking. Calm down or you'll both be carded."

"Yeah, let it go, Little Mewis," Megan jeered, pushing off her own teammates' pleading hands. "Calm it down."

You stopped. If there was one thing you hated, it was being taunted. "Shut. Up."

The Irishwoman stiffened. "You will not speak to me that way!"

A loud crack sounded as you fell to the floor, clutching your dislocated jaw. "You—"

In that given moment, it hurt too much to talk. But if there was one thing that your friends and family knew, it was the fact that you'd always fight back. No matter what. So you sucked up the pain and stood back up.

As the ref was showing Bristol city skipper a red, you roundhouse-kicked a stunned Megan Connolly in the face.

You scowled as she collapsed onto the turf, unconscious. "Fook you."

And then the ground rushed up to meet you.


"What the fook!?" Katie panicked as her international teammate and best friend laid on the pitch, unresponsive. "What the fook!?"

"Y/N!" Lauryn shot up from her spot on the bench, instantly kneeling at your side as the medics followed with a neon orange stretcher between them. "Shit, baby. That's gonna hurt like hell."

Katie's wide, disbelieving eyes darted back and forth between you and Megan. "What the fook!? What the foo—"

"Shut the fuck up, Katie!" Leah groaned, helping the medics lift your body onto the stretcher. "Y/N's come back from worse."

The Ireland captain sucked in a breath. "Yeah, that's true, but what about Megan?"

Leah bit her lip. "Yeah, I'd be worried. Roundhouse kick to the face couldn't have been good."


"Laur—yn?" you squinted in the bright lights of the medical room at Meadow Park. "What—"

"I hate ye'," your girlfriend grumbled, pressing a kiss to your open palm. "Always puttin' me through this shit."

You winced, bringing two fingers to your tender jaw. "Did they fix it?"

She squeezed your knee comfortingly. "Yeah. You're gonna have a wicked bruise, though."

You smiled. "It's alright, I'll look cool."

Lauryn facepalmed. "You need to get your priorities straight."

"My priorities can choose their own sexuality, thank ye'."

"Y/N Y/M/N Mewis, if you don't shut the fuck up I swear to God—"


As you exited the stadium, you bumped into someone. Literally.  All of the Gunners and Robins cringed as you locked eyes with Megan Connolly. "Alright?"

She shrugged, adjusting the icepack pressed to her forehead. "Alright."

The two of you fist-bumped before walking your separate ways.

"What the hell?" Steph was just as dumbfounded as everyone else. "That's it? 'Alright'?"

Kim shook her hand. "I can't."

🎶 I am delusional, I am delusional 🎶


I'm so tired.

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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