A Walk?

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"Y/N Y/M/N Mewis!" Leah scolded as you strutted through the door. "Where have you been?"

You paused mid-stride. "On a walk."

"A walk?" She asked incredulously. "Since two in the morning?"


"It's three in the afternoon!" The English captain exclaimed as your other two flatmates shook their heads in disapproval. "Where did you walk to? Manchester?"

You scoffed, pulling down your right sleeve which had begun to ride up to your elbow. "No. To the store."

"The store?" Katie spilled her water onto the table, cursing as she did so. "That's only a thirty-minute walk away, did you crawl there?"

You blinked. "No."

Jordan's eyes narrowed. "Why's your sleeve pulled down?"

"Erm, just 'cause?"

Katie nodded in agreement. "We all know ye' hate long sleeves, why's the right one pulled down and the left one rolled up?"


Leah tugged at your hoodie. "Take this off. Lemme' see."

You were too tired to argue, so you pulled the fabric over your head silently.

The Defender sighed as her fingers ran over the bandages. "What the hell did you do this time?"


"Tell Kim what you told me," Leah instructed, her strong hands holding you firmly in place.

You mumbled something under your breath.

"What was that, Little Mewis?" the skipper questioned, her hands on her hips. "Speak up."

You averted your gaze. "I got into a fight with a pit bull."



"Y/N, how do you know you haven't got rabies?" Kyra asked, the entirety of the Gunners turning to look at you. "Or another disease?"

You rolled your eyes. "Why do you think I was gone so long? I got tested, for like, a bunch of shit."

Lauryn ran a hand down her face. "I can't believe ye'."

"Why not? I'm a real boy!"

"You stupid shi—"

"Enough chit-chat!" Jonas scolded, shooing everyone in the cluster away except for you and your co-captain. "Warm up, United's not gonna beat themselves."

"Are you good to play, Y/N?" Your unofficial fun Uncle inquired, glancing down at your bandaged bicep. "That didn't look too good earlier, and we can always go for a 4-4-2."

You snorted, bouncing on your heels energetically. "Gonna take more than a little cut to rule me out."

Kim sighed. "You wrestled a pitbull."

You shrugged nonchalantly. "So?"

It was silent for a moment before Jonas blinked. "Guess you're playing, then."


You groaned, lying with your arms and legs splayed out on the pitch. One minute, you'd been running around Gabby George, looking for a pass, and the next, you were on the ground and seeing stars.

No one had noticed you yet, but the burning pain in your arm was too much to bear, causing you to remain quiet.

You watched with gritted teeth as Katie Zelem punted the ball towards the Gunners' side of the field, more annoyed at yourself for getting injured than anything else.

It was then you noticed the blood pooling out of your arm and onto the turf, staining your teal kit a dark crimson.

As more and more blood oozed through your shaky fingers, the stadium lights began growing dimmer and dimmer. You squeezed your eyes shut, vaguely aware of Mary Earps' gloved hands painstakingly pressing a towel to the wound.

"—wis? Mewis?" You faintly heard. "Shit. Stay awake, kiddo."

The Manchester United medics had just dropped their bags next to your still form, unable to assess the damage before you let out an uncharacteristic whimper.

"—Y/N," a voice that sounded suspiciously like Jonas' sounded out above the others. "You've gotta stay awake so they can help you."

You tried your best to follow his pleas, but the overwhelming numbness became too much, causing you to drift away from Old Trafford and into unconsciousness. 


"What the fu- shit," you hissed groggily, stilling completely at the sudden ache that jolted through your arm.

"Ye' fookin' idiot," Lauryn growled. "I'd smack ye' right 'ere and now if we were alone."

You groaned in pain. "Hurts."

Your girlfriend's anger instantly dissolved as she squeezed your hand comfortingly. "The meds should kick in soon, love."

Stina pressed a straw to your lips, encouraging you to drink. "Gave us quite the scare, Little Mewis."

"What happened?" you asked, attempting to sit up before immediately being pushed back down by numerous hands. "Why's this stupid thing hurt so bad?"

Kim grimaced. "High boot scratched your dog bite. Goes from your shoulder to your forearm."

True to the Scot's word, the majority of your right arm was bandaged, starting at the wrist. 

You cleared your throat, which was surprisingly dry. "So when can I get back on the pitch?"

Lauryn and Katie sported such similar glares it was scary.

"Okay, okay. I'll... rest- ugh I can't even say it without wantin' to throw up."


Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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