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It was the next day, and Freya was sitting at breakfast with Charli and Kyra. Thanks to the girls, she had managed to get through her little upset last night, though she still wasn't one-hundred percent sure of what she was going to say to Sam when they inevitably had to face eachother. It wasn't like the girls to fight, usually they were eachother's best friend and biggest supporter at Chelsea.

Freya slowly scooped her cheerios into her mouth, completely zoning out and becoming oblivious to her surroundings. It wasn't until someone sat next to her that she managed to snap out of her trance.

"Did you sleep alright Freya? You're looking a bit...rough." said the voice, belonging to Steph Catley.

Freya turned to her. "Eh, you know how it is. Game day jitters, i guess," she shrugged. She was going to avoid speaking about or to Sam Kerr at all costs.

Steph shot a half-smile her way, before turning to speak to Kyra who had returned to the table with a giant plate of avocado on toast. Typical.


After breakfast, Tony informed the girls that they were going to do some game day prep. This included shooting goals for the forwards, and deflecting goal opportunities for the attackers. Freya was on a roll, she'd already prevented Mary, Caitlin and Charli from getting anywhere near the goals and was feeling very confident for the game.

They took the ball back to the centre of the practice field, with Steph kicking the ball to Mini, who kicked it through Lani's legs to Caitlin, who kicked it to Sam in front of the goal...but Freya managed to steal it back, booting it away from her reach.

She grinned at Sam, glad that she was able to best the striker and get her riled up.

They played another set. The team practiced the same passing combinations and tactics that they had planned for the game later on, but the game was becoming increasingly more physical, with the competitive side of the team coming out.

Raso kicked the ball to Sam, where Freya was waiting and ready to defend. However, this time she was not able to win the ball back. The two pushed against eachother, both taking desperate actions to stop the other from winning. In an accidental swing of her foot, Sam tripped Freya over, with the defender tumbling to the ground and landing flat on her back.

The team stopped running, suddenly going quiet.

Sam kneeled down next to Freya, grabbing her hand and squeezing it tight. 

"Fia? Are you okay?" she asked, desperation evident in her voice.

The younger girl sat up, her face flushed pink with embarrassment. "Err yeah, I'm good." She brushed it off.

Sam stood up, using her strength to yank the other player up from the ground and pulling her into a side hug.

"Sorry Maddock, but you'll have to try harder next time if you wanna win the ball off THE Sam Kerr." she quietly laughed, walking off and leaving Freya standing in the middle of the pitch.

Lani ran over, checking on Freya. "Did you hurt yourself?"

"No, I'm good Lans. You know I'm tough."

But she couldn't help herself from thinking:

What the hell was that?

𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭; 𝙨𝙖𝙢 𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙧Where stories live. Discover now