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It was the 24th of December, and Christmas was around the corner. The streets of England were filled with green and red Christmas decorations, with stores adorned with festive wreaths, bows and tinsel.

The Chelsea Women were performing extremely well in their league, being in first place. Due to this, Emma had agreed to give the girls a two week long break from training to see their families, provided that they did light practice in their free time.

Freya was ecstatic. This news meant that she was able to book flights for her family to come over to England and see her. Amber, August and her Dad were all coming over, with their flight landing right about now.

She sat in the car, tapping on her steering wheel. She already had a booster seat set up in the back for August. The hustle and bustle of the airport at Christmas time was crazy. People were running for their flights, luggage was everywhere and carols played through the speakers at a deafening volume.

In other news, Freya and Sam had been going really well with their friendship. Since they had been training and playing games together very frequently, the awkwardness and resentment had settled down completely. Obviously there was no romantic intent from either of them though, they were just friends...

Freya's thoughts were cut off by the sudden outburst of her ringtone. She looked down at the vibrating phone, which was illuminating her car. The contact read 'sammy'.

"Hey Sam. What's up?" she brought the phone to her ear, leaning back in her chair.

"I was just bored, Frey. What are you doing?"

"Well, I'm waiting at the airport to pick up my family. They're coming to stay for a few days."

"Ohhh. That's nice!" Freya could have sworn she heard a twinge of disappointment in Sam's voice.

"Yeahhhh. What are you doing for Christmas?" 

"Nothing really. I'll probably just chill at home and order in, maybe watch a movie or two. I'll also maybe go on a run, I haven't trained much and I don't want Emma to get mad when we go back."

Freya paused. Was Sam seriously going to spend Christmas alone?

"Freya, you there?" The blonde girl had evidently gone quiet for a second too long.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Are you not seeing family?" she questioned.

"Oh, nah. They're busy doing their own thing in Aus and I didn't want to pressure them into changing plans for me." There was sadness in Sam's voice.

Just then, Freya saw August running over to her car.

"Look Sam, I can see my family coming over now. Can I text you when I get home?" Freya asked. She felt guilty for cutting the conversation short but she hadn't seen them in a while.

"Yeah all good. See ya Fia."

The phone line hung up.

"Auggie!" She yelled out, swinging the door open and pulling her brother into a tight hug. The young boy clutched onto her, giggling. Amber and her Dad weren't far behind, both joining in on the group cuddle.


"Welp. This is my apartment. Sorry it's nothing special." They walked into Freya's two-bedroom flat. It was pretty small, but since it would only be the four of them it wasn't really a worry. Her family started to settle in, all picking their various sleeping spots throughout the house.

It was pretty late now, and time for August to go to bed. 

"I don't wanna go to sleep, I'm going to catch Santa!" He protested, crossing his arms. Amber and Freya laughed, looking at his fake-angry face. 

𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭; 𝙨𝙖𝙢 𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙧Where stories live. Discover now