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Freya woke up as the sun streamed through her windows. She blinked, her eyes adjusting to the harsh light, which was practically blinding her. She felt an arm around her waist, Sam. 

Usually Freya would let Sam sleep. After all, the Chelsea striker did have a lot on her plate and needed her rest. Today, however, was different. It was the 3rd of March.

She sat up in the bed, before beginning to violently shake Sam.

"SAMMY! SAMMY! SAMMY!" she said, practically screaming. "Sammmmm!!!! Get up. It's March 3rd!!"

Sam groaned. She did not enjoy being woken up like this.

"Sam, pleaseeee. I've been awake for like 2 hours." she lied.

Sam turned over to face Freya. "Liar."

A look of bewilderment was painted across the blonde girl's face, "You accuse me of such treachery? And on my birthday?!"

Sam sat up, cupping Freya's face and giving her a long kiss. "Happy Birthday Love," she said, as the couple came up for air.

Freya grinned, teasingly pushing her away. "So, where is my pink jeep?"

Sam raised an eyebrow. "You're very full of yourself blondie. I only buy cars for people who are nice to me and let me pick the film on movie night. You do neither."

Freya sighed, pulling a disappointed face. "So did you at least get me a helicopter?"


"So the plan of attack is to first go and feed you, because I don't need to deal with a hangry birthday girl today." Sam said, pulling out of the carpark. "Then, a couple of the Tillies girls are picking you up and taking you shopping."

Freya smiled, as she sat in Sam's car with her shoes up on the seat. "Sounds good. Then what?"

Sam looked over at Freya's shoes, but decided that was not a battle she wanted to start today. "Well, the rest of the day is a secret. You can't know all of my plans Fia."

Rolling her eyes, the blonde girl leaned over towards Sam, whispering in her ear. "What if I bribe you?" 

Sam bit her lip, looking over at Freya. "Nope, you can't. I practically signed an NDA."

Freya crossed her arms. "Fine, whatever. I didn't want to know anyway."


The girls arrived at the cafe and after they had both devoured basically the whole menu, Sam's phone pinged.

"Who is it!" jumped Freya, practically tackling Sam's arm to see the message.

"Hey, hey! Leave it." Said Sam, giving the girl a stern look.

"It's my birthday, don't get snappy with me Kerr."

Sam called the waiter over, paying for the food and then walked Freya outside. "Here is where we separate my love." 

Freya held her heart, turning on the dramatics. "What ever will I do? How will I breathe deep breaths without your presence, Miss Kerr?"

Sam chuckled, rolling her eyes. "Okay seriously, turn around."

Just then, a car horn beeped three times in a row. Freya spun around and was met with Kyra, Charli and Mini poking their heads out of the windows of their car.

"AHHH!" she called out, running off and completely leaving Sam behind. She swung the door open, hopping in and wrapping her arms around Charli, who was sitting in the back. "You're kidding me!"

It had been a few months since she had seen them, and she couldn't stop the happy tears from streaming down her face. "I missed you guys so much."

All three of the girls turned to face her, confused and sympathetic looks on their face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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