oh hi there?

465 10 9

omg guys i wont lie i kinda forgot about wattpad.

im sorry i dropped off the face of the earth, i've honestly missed updating on here a lot.

to explain myself, i got into a bit of a funk when it came to writing and then end of term, christmas and new year got kinda crazy. i was also working HEAPS so i didn't have much time to update.

soooo here is my proposal. we have two options:

1. create a kinda short and sweet last chapter for attachment, then start a new fic.

2. keep writing for attachment, but have each chapter as a suggestion from you guys.

i need opinions, im honestly stuck.

on another note, how have your holidays been? i've been trying to get out of the house alot!

charli signing for tottenham is sick, im really proud of her. 


let me know what you guys are feeling in regards to attachment and a possible new fic?

love you all, 

auds <3

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