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It had been a couple days since the article incident and the girls had just won their second match against New Zealand.

After a quick celebration on the field, Sam and Freya were instructed to go straight into the change rooms, rather than speaking to any fans.

This upset Freya as she enjoyed having personal interaction with the young tillies fans, but she knew it was probably for the better. After a few lengthy meetings with the team's social media advisors, they had decided to limit interview opportunities for the minute, just in case the girls let anything slip or said the wrong thing on accident.

Really, Freya knew they were just trying to control Sam. She was a bit of a wildcard when it came to dealing with press, so they wanted to try to prevent her from getting into trouble as much as possible.

Behind closed doors, the girls had been thriving. The few intensive training days in between games had meant there was heaps of time for Freya and Sam to hang out and have a break from the busy club football lifestyle back in England.

The two sat side-by-side in the change rooms. Sam had scored two great goals with Hayley scoring the other, making the score 3-1 their way.

"Great game for you Sammy!" Freya grinned at the girl, patting her on the back.

Sam smiled back, pulling Freya into a tight hug. "Eh, I could've scored more if I wasn't so distracted by this one defender on my team. Blonde hair, number 24. I think her jersey said Maddock?" she joked.

Freya rolled her eyes, unamused by Sam's cringy joke but flattered by her compliment. The brunette brushed Freya's hair out of her face, pulling her in for a kiss.

"Yuck!" called out one of the girls returning from the field. It was Mary.

"Get a room, nobody wants to see it you two!" 

Sam laughed, whilst Freya's cheeks flushed bright red.


It was their last day in Australia before they had to go back to Chelsea, and the team decided to go to the beach.

"I'm so glad we finally get to go to a good beach." Freya said to the group of girls she was standing with as they waited to get onto the bus.

"Yeah, the beaches in England are shit. It's all pebbles and its so cold." Sam agreed, holding onto her beach bag.

Since all of the girls were eager to get some sun, Tony had agreed to make it a team outing. They were all taking the bus together so it was easier.

They blasted music on the way their, the whole trip turning into a karaoke scream session. Honestly, sometimes Freya was amazed that the bus driver didn't crash, the girls were so loud.

Once at the beach, Freya set up camp in the sand. She laid her towel out, opting to tan instead of swim. Mary, Charli, Mini and Alanna all joined her, the five of them chatting and sharing snacks whilst the rest of the team went in the water. Since it was April, it was still pretty cool out, though that didn't stop Sam from being fully submerged in the freezing ocean.

After a few hours, they started to get bored. A girl can only do so much tanning before they wanna go home. Sam and Macca had gotten out of the water and Freya could tell they were up to no good. In the literal blink of an eye, Sam was bouldering towards Freya, dripping with ocean water. 

"No no Sam! Sam it's cold don't!" she screamed, begging her captain to spare her.

Sam ignored her requests, tackling the blonde girl to the ground and wrapping her salty seawater arms around her.

"Seriously, you're a child." Freya sighed, giving up on any hope of staying dry.

"I know." Sam said, burying her face in the crook of Freya's neck.

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞:

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞:

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