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"Kim I love you please don't leave me what about all the moments we've had together the day I met you at school at the quiz when you taught me to play guitar please Kim don't leave me" chay cried out holding his ex boyfriends arm
"Let go of me we wasn't dating I didn't love you now go away" Kim walked away making chay by himself crying on the floor

9 months later
"Chay are you coming we gotta pack our bags we're leaving soon" porsche said getting their suitcases
"Porsche why do we have to go to that house I hate it there"
"Chay my husband kinn lives there he told us to move in with him please ignore Kim if he's there okay for me please"
Chay sighed and nodded he can't just stay by himself in this house so he would have to live with Porsche and kinn and whoever else lives in that house of hatred

At the Theerapanyakun house :
"Ah honey glad you could make it oh why hello there Porchay glad to see you again" kinn said hugging the siblings
"Can you help us unpack please kinny these things are heavy"
Kinn didn't respond and helped the siblings carry the suitcases inside
"Wow glad to be here again after 4 years" Porsche said smiling whilst looking around
"Yeah definitely" porchay rolled his eyes
Chay was given a room which was right next to Kim's room but he didn't notice since he wasn't looking ,
"Ugh I hate it here already I just want to go home" Chay said laying backwards onto his new bed
"Ah lily I left her downstairs with Porsche shit" Chay ran out his room and down the stairs to see Porsche feeding lily with her bottle from her bag
"Oh Chay here is your daughter"

At the Theerapanyakun house :"Ah honey glad you could make it oh why hello there Porchay glad to see you again" kinn said hugging the siblings "Can you help us unpack please kinny these things are heavy" Kinn didn't respond and helped the siblings...

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Chay held his daughter and carried her slowly up the stairs
chay brought his daughter to the baby room which was connected to his room

He carefully placed the baby into the crib and kissed her forehead before placing the blanket over her , He turned off the lights and closed the door to her and his connected room He walked down the stairs and met with the other family "AHHHH CHAY...

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He carefully placed the baby into the crib and kissed her forehead before placing the blanket over her ,
He turned off the lights and closed the door to her and his connected room
He walked down the stairs and met with the other family
"AHHHH CHAY MY BABYYYY" Tankhun said rushing to chay and pulling his into a tight hug
"I missed you so much it felt empty with you and Porsche here"
Chay chuckled and let go of tankhun before sitting down next to Porsche ,
"How was Australia like boys was there massive spiders" kinn asked laughing a bit
"It was fun wasn't it chay" chay nodded and ate the food that was placed infront of him

Kim's POV ,
I just arrived home when I saw a car that didn't belong to the fam so I walked in when I heard voices coming from the dining room ,
Maybe we have guests, eh didn't care
I walked up the stairs when I noticed the room next to me was open so I went to close the door when suddenly I heard crying coming from further into the room ,

I walked into the room and opened the door that led to the extended room
It was decorated for a ...

Baby ,
I was confused who's baby is this
"Why hello there little baby" I said looking around then suddenly I saw a sign saying lily so I assumed that it was the babies name
"Hello there lily why are you here hm" I said picking the crying baby up
Suddenly the baby stopped crying
I rubbed the babies back then she started biting my shoulder I assumed she was hungry so I looked around but I couldn't find anything to feed her with so I placed her in her crib and left her so her parents can feed her since i wasn't good with babies

Chay's POV ,
"Guys I'm going upstairs see you all tomorrow"
Everyone said goodbye and I left the table
I walked back up the stairs and went into my room when I heard lily crying

"Lily oh are you hungry my poor baby let me feed you"
I picked lily up and I sat onto the rocking chair ,
I lifted my shirt and placed lily onto my chest then she latched onto my nipple and started eating from it ,
I found out I was pregnant soon after Kim left me I didn't believe it at first since I was a boy but then we did an ultrasound so then I knew it wasn't fake I knew she was kim's but I didn't tell him

I saw that lily fell asleep so I Carried her back to her crib and laid her down

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