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Kim's POV :

Lily woke me up by crying in her room ,
She suddenly stopped so I got concerned.
I got up and made the bed making sure not to awake chay ,
I walked to her room and turned on the lights making the room light up with pink and blue lights that she has on her walls.

I walked to Lily's crib and saw she was awake quietly crying
Once she saw me she stopped crying and smiled ,
I smiled back and picked her up , placing her head on my shoulder sucking her tiny thumb.

I sat down on the rocking chair in her room and placed her on my stomach letting her do whatever she wanted .
She slowly fell asleep on me and slowly fell asleep as well

Chay's POV :
I woke up to use the bathroom when I noticed Kim wasn't beside me I got confused but shrugged it off ,
As I finished using the bathroom i walked passed Lily's room ,
I saw that lily wasn't in her crib so I walked into the room and I suddenly saw Kim with lily on his stomach both of them sleeping .

I smiled and kissed their cheeks ,
Just then Kim woke up noticing me in front of him ,
"Hey can you get lily off me please and put her back to sleep" Kim said rubbing his eyes
I smiled and nodded picking lily up carrying her to her crib and covering her with her blanket
"Let's go back to sleep" Kim said hugging me from behind
I turned around and hugged Kim back ,
"Okay let's go I'm tired anyways even though it's 8:24" chay said looking at the time
Kim let go of me and picked me up bridal style and walked back to my bedroom
He placed me on the bed and also got in placing his hands on my waist .


Sorry for these short chapters I've been busy and been trying to finish and upload these upcoming chapters sooooo:(

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