8 month

712 23 12

"Aughhhhhh these babies are getting on my nerves stop kicking bro don't bully your mother" chay laid back on his chair pulling his hair in pain
"Aww so cuteee little baba's are kicking mama such naughty baby's" Kim said laying beside chay looking at the kicks that the baby's are giving

Chay gave Kim a side eye and rolled his eyes
"They probably can't hear you silly" chay slapped Kim's head lightly
"Ow you little rascal" Kim huffed jokingly
"Uh-uh I ain't no rascal bitch"
"No swearing"
"But I'm seventeen"
"And I'm 26 do I swear no"
"Gosh you're old" chay snickered
"Uh excuse me how dare you call me old" Kim spoke in English and chay laughed
" why you randomly speak in English"
"My auntie is from UK so when I visited her and stayed there for 4 years when I was younger I learned English then"
"Ohhhh cool" chay put his thumbs up
Kim smiled and nodded ,
Chay almost fell asleep cause of how tired he was .
Kim gently picked chay up bridal style and carried him to the bed where he then fell asleep.
Kim went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth before checking up on lily who was sleeping peacefully in his crib .
"You've grown up so much lily" he said to the 9 and half month old who was pouting in her sleep
He kissed her cheek and smoothed her hair .
He smiled and walked out of her room , not forgetting to close her bedroom door.
He walked back to chay and got into bed next to him holding his bump from underneath.
The next day :
Kim woke up to a wet shirt ,
He looked down and saw chay crying.
"Chay what's wrong hun are you okay"
"K-Kim it hurts"
"What do you mean ... what hurts" Kim sat up quickly
"I'm n-not sure wha- OWWW UGHHHH" chay closed his eyes and rubbed his stomach which was causing the pain

To be continued...

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