Doctors appointment

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A few weeks past and chay wouldn't stop throwing up he completely forgot about when he had sex with Kim but he did remember eating something that wasn't cooked so he thought it would be that but he wanted to got to the doctor just to make sure.

He got his converses on and quickly looked into the mirror to see if his belly grew ,
He didn't see anything different about his belly but he noticed his stomach got rounder .

He grabbed his keys and left not bothering to use a car to get there.
He decided to walk to the doctors since he lived close anyways ,
He arrived to the doctors and he signed up before sitting down ,
He waited for his name to be called which it was a few minutes later.

"Hello there are you chay" the doctor said lifting his pen
"Yes I'm chay"
"Okay chay so why are you here today are you sick Orr"
"I've been throwing up in the mornings and I'm getting concerned"
"Okay we are going to do some tests can you just lift your shirt"
Chay lifted his shirt and the doctor put the same stuff they put on him when he was pregnant with Lily ,

"Hmmm if you look here you can see a little blob I'm not sure if that's a baby or something else" the doctor said looking confused as he looked at the monitor
"Well I had a baby a month ago so how can I be pregnant again is that bad"
"Well many people have sex after they have a baby and then they get pregnant again and the baby's actually end up fine"
"Uhhh okay"
"When was you last active"
"Not sure I think 3 weeks ago I was drunk and my boyfriend and I just went for it"
"Okay come back in about 2 weeks we'll see if you're pregnant cause I can't tell and not even the professional doctor can it's to small to actually testify what it is maybe take some pregnancy tests to find out and come back in 2 weeks cause it'll grow and we'll be able to tell"

Chay nodded and the doctor passed him some pregnancy tests for chay to use when he goes home
He put them in his bag and said thanks to the doctor as he left the doctors ,
He arrived home and quickly went to the bathroom before he bumped into anyone,
He did the tests and waited for them for show a response ,
He left the bathroom forgetting to hide the tests ...

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