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I walked down the staircase with lily in my arms ,
I took her outside to see the garden since I want her to know what the house looks like so when she grows up she knows her way round it,
I placed a blanket onto the soft green grass and placed lily who was in her carrier onto it ,
I sat down and placed a little blankey on her so she doesn't get cold

He lifted the baby out of the seat and sat her down on his lap gently ,"You see that over there that's your uncles Tankhun's fish pond his favourite fishes are called Sebastian and Elizabeth" he said pointing to the fish pond The baby responded wi...

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He lifted the baby out of the seat and sat her down on his lap gently ,
"You see that over there that's your uncles Tankhun's fish pond his favourite fishes are called Sebastian and Elizabeth" he said pointing to the fish pond
The baby responded with a slight chuckle which made him smile
"Chay what are you doing out here" Tankhun said holding bread feeding his fishes
"Just showing lily the outside"
Tankhun smiled , walked over and sat down next to me ,
"Lily might like playing a round here as she grows up" Tankhun said laying down on the blanket that was placed
"Hope so I don't want her to stay in all the time"
"Are you going to homeschool her" Tankhun asked
"Yes I am sadly it's good though cause if people find out who she is and where she's from or where she came from then she'll be in trouble and no one is hurting my baby" chay said placing his finger onto Lily's hand which she held onto
"Lily is so cute , she has your bambi eyes and your lips and she has Kim's dimple and nose so cuteee"
The name Kim made chay freeze
"Please don't bring him up I'm still thinking about if I should forgive him"
"Chay take as long as you need but just to let you know Kim let you go for yours and his own good he could of put you in danger if he stayed with you but he left you since he didn't want you to get hurt but I know you were sad about it and cried and cried non stop but he didn't actually know you were pregnant so please take the time to think okay I'm here if you need anything"
Chay teared up ,
"Tankhun I want to forgive him but it's just hard you know , I had lily [ 2 ~1/2 ] weeks ago and I now know that he left me for a good reason but he left without telling me anything all he said that he was sorry or something I forgot I feel old Tankhun"
"BITCH you're still young Chay you're 17 look at me I'm nearly 30 well in 4 years but still Chay you should live your teenage life the way you want to don't let anyone change that"
"You're right I should I've always wanted to own a bar like my brother Porsche"
"Ooo I always wanted to own a Disneyland or have a hot ass boyfriend ya know someone like you but older obvi" Tankhun laughed
Chay giggled as the wind blew his hair over his face
"I should bring lily inside thanks for keeping me company Tankhun"
Chay grabbed Lily's carrier and rapped lily in a blanket and carried her inside
As he walked up the stairs he was met with the one and only Kim ...

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