2 month <3

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"Chay are you sure there's one baby in there your belly is growing really fast and it's only been a month you're only two months pregnant" Tankhun asked passing chay a shirt from his closet
"Hmmm not sure I'll find out at 5 months since it'll be big enough to see it and to know the gender" chay said putting the shirt that Tankhun gave him on 

"Ooo nice I can't wait to meet the baby or babies depends on what is in there in your tummy"
"Well I don't mind if it's twins but it'll be hard having 3 babies to look after I mean lily will be 11 months when I give birth"
"Wow she'll be almost a year"
"Yep my baby is growing I dont want her to grow" chay teared up
"Awwww don't cry she'll still be your little princess"
Chay hugged Tankhun ,
He cried in his shoulder as Tankhun rubbed his back calming him down .

just then Porsche walked in ,
"Awww why's my little baby brother crying don't cry"
"Porsche I'm pregnant I'm sorry I didn't tell you"
"What why you just had a baby"
"I know I'm sorry but don't get mad at me please me and Kim couldn't resist we haven't done it for a long time"
"I'm not going to show my anger but I am mad at you be careful you first had sex with Kim at 14 that's illegal I think but how old was he"
"He was 18 I'm pretty sure but we was at a party so it's not our fault I drank when I shouldn't have"
"GOSH oh sorry I didn't mean to shout"
"Please don't shout Porsche" Tankhun said crossing his arms
"Sorry okay sorry I can say it one hundred times if I had to"
"No please don't I have a headache already"
Chay held onto his stomach and rubbed it

just then Porsche walked in ,"Awww why's my little baby brother crying don't cry""Porsche I'm pregnant I'm sorry I didn't tell you" "What why you just had a baby""I know I'm sorry but don't get mad at me please me and Kim couldn't resist we haven'...

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He wondered why his belly was growing so fast and why it's bigger than it should be
"Hmm maybe there is twins in here"
"Did you say something" Kim said walking into the room sitting down next to chay
"Me and Tankhun think I'm having twins my stomach is growing faster and it's bigger than it should be"
"It would be nice if we had twins"
"I know right it'll be fun and cool but not for me it'll be a nightmare carrying them if I was having twins"
"What would we name them"
"I'm two months pregnant I don't know the gender or genders yet"

Kim shrugged and smirked
"Well when we do I have a good name for it if it's a boy"
"What is it"
"Cant tell you"
"Awwww why not I wanna know"
"Well if you do have a boy then I'll name it when it's born but if it's girl you name it and if we get both then we both name them"
"Good idea also I'm going to my appointment soon wanna come the doctor needs to see if everything is okay"
"Sure I'll go I am the dad so also I have nothing to do''
"Great let's get ready"
Kim stood up and also helped chay get up ,
They got their shoes on and left
They walked to the doctors hand in hand they left lily with Tankhun ,
They arrived at the doctors and Kim made the appointment,
He sat down next to chay and they waited for chay's name to be called
"Porchay right this way please"
His name was called and thsi time it was a different doctor not the doctor he had before
"I'm doctor.Lee I'm a professional doctor from Korea and I'll be your doctor for the the rest of your pregnancy"
"Oh okay nice to meet you doctor.Lee"
"Lift your shirt for me and lay back"
Chay did as told he remembered he did this when he was pregnant with lily his first baby
"Okay Uhm the baby is fine buttt hmmm one second I'm going to get the main doctor"
The doctor left and came back with an older man
"This is the head of the pregnancy department"
"Hello I'm mr.Anurak I'm here to check something"
Chay got scared what if the baby wasn't doing okay
"Hmmm chay look here on the monitor"
Chay looked and he saw a blob but not one 2
"Why is there two blobs"
" it's another baby behind it"
"Yep your having twins I suppose"
"That's great" Kim said smiling widely

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