3 month ✨

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"Chaychay you look 7 months pregnant" Pete said laughing
"Shut up I'm only 3 months and also I'm having twins" chay said holding his heavy stomach

Pete nodded and silently laughed making chay annoyed ,"Ugh I'm going to take a bath I need to soak my drained body""Okay"Chay rolled his eyes and walked away stomping his feet up the stairs

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Pete nodded and silently laughed making chay annoyed ,
"Ugh I'm going to take a bath I need to soak my drained body"
Chay rolled his eyes and walked away stomping his feet up the stairs .

"Hey honey why you stomping up the stairs"Kim asked standing at the top of the stairs
"Just Pete he's annoying he said I look 7 months pregnant when I'm only 3 months along" porchay said pouting
"Where are you off to" Kim spoke changing the subject as he was about to laugh
"Just to bathe I'm exhausted" chay sighed
"Can I bathe with you"
"Uhhh No"

Kim pouted
"No pouting I want to bathe alone"
"Okayyyyy I was joking anyways but call me if you need help with anything" Kim kissed chay and ruffled his hair
"Okay I will but I need to go run the bath these babies are killing me already and there bot even babies yet"
Kim laughed and walked chay to the bathroom
"My back is killing ughhh this bath better help or ill be forcing you to massage me"
"I'd do it anyways" Kim smirked grabbing onto chay's waist
"You're so horny jeez let me run a bath and bathe but we can hug and do whatever after"
"YESS I wanna hug you I already miss hugging you"
"Whatever imma run the bath"
Chay walked away and walked into his own bathroom ,

He ran the bath putting hot at fastest and cold on low ,
He sat on the side of bathtub and waited for the bath to run till it was nearly full .

The bath was finally full so porchay turned the taps off and carefully took his clothes off ,
He got into the bath and laid back enjoying the hotness on his skin .
He closed his eyes resting his back against the backrest that was placed in the bath for him .
10 minutes later
Chay got out of the bath slowly and grabbed the towel wrapping it around himself :
He walked out of the bathroom and saw Kim laying down with lily on his stomach sleeping

Chay cooed and walked to the closet to find some comfy pJ's that fit him.
He found some stretchy pJ's and changed into them and after that he walked back into his room and laid down next to Kim kissing his cheek and Lily's
"How was your bath was it niceeee"
"Yep so niceeee felt so relaxing I should do that more"
"Now can we hug I can put lilt back in her crib it's her bedtime anyways"
"Okay sure I'll take her to her crib I also have to feed her"
Chay carefully picked up lily and placed her on his chest ,
He walked to the rocking chair and fed her .
She stopped eating as she fell asleep
Chay stood up and placed lily in her crib making sure to place her head on the pillow which helped her sleep since it had his scent on it.

Chay walked back and got back into the bed with Kim .
Kim turned around and grabbed chay's waist pulling him closer
Chay shocked :,held onto Kim's waist

"I love you Chay"
"I love you Kim"

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