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Iva Faith

Just when I thought that his wrath was going to fall on me like lightning, an angel saved me. My Angel.

"Daddy," I sigh when I hear Emma's voice.

Casper looks behind him. He puts the phone in his pocket and walks over to her. Emma is sobbing while rubbing her eyes with her little hands.

"What happened?" he asks, kneeling in front of her.

"I need mommy," she says, pointing at me.

Observing Casper's broad back, I can say that he takes a deep breath before looking at me. His eyes are redder than ever. The intensity of anger can be felt from miles away. The aura he owns has my soul feeling the goosebumps of fear.

"Go to your mommy," he asks her, giving her a brief kiss on the forehead.

She walks to me, holding her stuffed toy near to her chest. She gets on the bed and hugs me. I hug her back, caressing her back.

"What happened, love?" I ask her.

"I had a very bad dream," she says. "I was falling from the stairs,"

She shivers as she tells me.

"Relax, honey, it was just a dream. You are safe," I tell her, hugging her closer to my chest.

"Can we call Daddy here? I'm scared," she says.

I look up and find the room empty. Casper was gone. I tilt my head to get a glimpse outside as he hasn't closed the door. I can see the entire lounge from here. Casper is nowhere seen.

"Daddy is busy," I tell her. "I'm here to take care of you, my love. You are pretty much safe in mommy's hug," I assure her.

"But–but, I–..."

She starts sobbing, looking at my face.

"Emma, sweetie, what happened?" I inquire, grabbing her little chubby face in my hands.

"I saw you dead,"

The moment those words come out of her mouth, she starts crying loudly. Her body shakes in fear, and she hugs me tighter. My heart sinks realizing how much she must be scared. It's not easy to see your loved one dead in a dream, and she is just a baby. Such dreams can shake adults to the core let alone these innocent souls.

"It was just a dream," I remind her again, but I know this isn't going to pacify her terrified little heart.

"Let me take you to Daddy," I said, but she shook her head.

"We are not going outside. You call him here," she sobs.

"Um, ok,"

I'm left with no other choice. I don't know where he is right now.

"Casper?" I say his name, hoping he will hear my voice.

No reply came.

"Casper?" I try again, this time my voice is a little louder.

I see a shadow appearing suddenly. It terrified me to the point where I flinched involuntarily, scaring not only myself but also Emma.

"Mommy," she clutches me tightly, crying.

A second later, Casper appears in the view, and I sigh in relief. He enters wearing a blank face. Emma takes her hand out for him and it was enough of a gesture to let him know what she wants. He sits on the bed, holding her hand. He brings it to his lips and kisses it before rubbing her, soothingly. His thumb goes to her cheek and he caresses her, giving her a genuine smile.

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