Chapter 1

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I jumped off the bed, "This is a trick" The others tried to pacify me by saying that amnesia can have that effect. I sat by the window trying to contemplate this news. I didn't know what to say till the blonde woman sat down next me. She pulled out her phone and showed me a video of me when I was fifteen  That was clearly not manufactured. She called me Cassie. I told her that is not my name. But the video says otherwise. Out of nowhere I had a flash where I saw a barn on fire and there was a girl trapped inside of it. A man was walking out of there with a smile on his face. His clothes changed to that of a police officer. I opened my eyes to see that I was on the floor. How did I get there. I felt something was dripping on my lips. It turns out that I had a nose bleed. So the doctor gave me an ice pack. I was about to thank him when I heard gunfire. The people who kidnapped me has come to take me away.

I pulled out the needles and walked out and the others protested as they followed me out. The first assailant was by the nurse's station. I twisted his neck and yanked his gun. I checked to make sure I knew what I was holding. It was a 45 caliber CZ P-10 45 auto. Magazine capacity 13 but with all the shooting I heard I am willing to bet that this gun has no less than ten. I was about pull out the magazine to check how many were left when I heard more shooting. Time to go to work. I looked at the crouching nurse and asked her to call 911. I promised her that those guys won't come here. She is safe so she got up shaking head to toe to dial the police. When she started to talk to the operator I walked off to deal with the rest of the goons. A hand grabbed me and I turned to see 'Mom' was concerned. I gave her a pat on her cheek. I gave a wink promising to be back in one piece. She gave me a very sad nod and stepped back.

The first guy was on a radio asking for a head count in case there was a hero that would come and start killing all of them
The person on the other end disagreed with him. I shot him in the head as he was arguing with the man. To my surprise a few responded to the sound of the bang. I heard heard people running in my direction. So I took a few steps back and I dropped to my feet and pretended to be one of the people. Only one guy arrived and I watched him crouch down to examine the body. He started talking on his radio and I shot him in the head as well. I found grenades on him so plucked a few and walked off to find the rest. From the sound of it there were at least eight more. I heard on the radio that one of them was heading for the stairs. I waited till he came out and I shot him in the head and confiscated his gun. I didn't want to face the rest with an empty gun. I have lived that day once before so I am not going to try that again.

I walked down the stairs and on my down I heard a few of them chatting. I walked out to see three of them huddling together. I waited till they started to walk. I managed to shot two of them the third ducked for cover. He didn't have a radio with him. I waited till he ran out of bullets. I walked towards him. He had a hostage. He was clutching a nurse. He had a knife to her throat. I didn't bat an eyelash when he gave me a window of opportunity as he stuck his head out to shout a few words in Spanish. I shot him in the head.

The rest were gathering in the ground floor. So I used the elevator. I reached the second floor and used the stairs. I walked out to the lobby to see the five of them talking about their game plan. I did have the patience to wait so I used a grenade. Actually I used two of them. They fell dead and I calmly walked to the center of the room to examine the bodies. I heard the approaching sirens so I got on my knees and clasped my hands on the back of my head. I remained calm as the SWAT team burst through the door. One of them was an African American. He shouted if everyone was ok. He looked at the bodies and turned to me. He gave the orders and soon the placed was filled with people. A young woman with pixie hair wanted to arrest me but someone intervened.

'Mom' waved her badge and she dragged me back to my room. I was ordered to stay there till she gives the all clear. She walked out and started to bark orders at everyone. When she was done a man sat next to me. He looked battle harden, beat up and alert. My guess is he suffers from PTSD. When 'Mom' came in he introduced himself as my stepfather. I jumped up indignation. I explained, "The word 'step' is a form of alienation. A form of oppression. It is used by those who have anti social behavior. If you are married to my mother then I should at least call you pops." He chuckled as he showed me a video of my younger self saying the exact same thing except more passionately. I mumbled, "I am confused. My name is Raven. I am an orphan my parents died in a car crash when I was a child. I joined the......." I stopped myself before I gave everything away.

The African American man sat next to me wanting me to finish my sentence. I didn't I knew better than to say anything further. I sat on the bed and contemplated the video. I turned to Pops and asked him what I should do. He smiled as he told me to get some rest. The Man from SWAT didn't think so. But he was overruled. He argued with my family for a few minutes before he stormed off. I asked 'Mom' if I was going to get arrested. She said that I had saved the hospital by shooting those gunmen so I have nothing to worry about. My stepdad said that it looked like I was playing a videogame. I made the entire fight time look effortless. It wasn't a complement. The others shivered in fear as well. They wanted to know where I had been all these years.

The only I said was that I needed my laptop since it has vital information regarding my investigation. Mom gave me once over before she promised to get me my stuff back. She was curious about my investigation and asked if I was working in an official capacity. I shrugged her off saying that I track people so others can arrest them. I am working with interpol regarding human trafficking. A few were concerned others puffed their chest with pride. This made her want more details. Stepdad asked her to can it till we were home. She gave him a stern look before the nurse arrived to put me back to sleep. She thanked me for saving her life. I simply retorted that it is my pleasure. She gave me a cute smile before she knocked out me out with whatever was in the syringe. Everything was pitch black within moments. Sweet sleep wrapped itself around me like a blanket.

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