Chapter 6

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I was asked if I had other assignments. I said I like to keep these things very much anonymous so the high table will have less to worry about. There's something called plausible deniability. Jax is a little paranoid so he asked me to at least tell him about one of my assignments. I said that I am to meet an eraser. They asked who is an eraser and what is the purpose of this person. I said it is someone who gives new identities to people so they can work for the high table without the fear of losing their lives or their loved ones by the hands of thugs or professional killer or being arrested by the hands of the local authorities or other persons of interest. This earned me favors from the high niners. I was allowed to leave with the approval of the head haunches.

When we got out Declan said, "You always do the impossible. First you found me in that POW camp. Then you go around doing other weird things. Now you've gone and captured The Goblin." I interrupted him, "The who?" He laughed, "Aye that be her name. She kidnaps children and do horrible things to her. I would call her the imp but that name is taken by someone else I absolutely hate. As I was saying those nine have never agreed on anathin. The most votes for anything involving a yes is three. Mostly it is agree to disagree few times it is neutral. But today you got the approval of the entire table" I was happy to see him smile. But I had filed for divorce so I asked him if he had signed the divorce papers that I had sent through Roman. He was shocked that he was married to me. He asked to meet Maeve and I said that he had to earn it. I am divorcing him since he is a known womanizer. I had no intentions of raising my daughter with such a man as a father. I had a different candidate in mind and he is a real family man. This angered Declan so bad. I have never seen him like this. I swear steam was coming out of his ears. I made it clear that I know I am not much of a looker. I look like I just walked into the emergency room on my best days. On my worst days I look like a zombie. Declan said that looks don't matter to him. He wants what is underneath it. He wants to give our marriage a chance.

Declan gave me a hard look and he said that he can change. He said that his daughter will not be raised by some stranger who is going to be with me twenty four hours a day. He said that he will stop sleeping around from today onwards. I was asked to give him sixty days. If I see no change in him then he will sign the papers. I promised him visitation rights in exchange. He said he wants the full package. I promised him thirty days as that is my limit. He shook hands a to reluctantly agreed to my term and I hailed a cab. He waved it off as he took my hand and we hopped on his Ducati and I closed my eyes and felt for her presence. When I felt the magnetic pull I squeezed him on the shoulder and we took off. I simply tapped on his shoulder to direct him where to go. We zipped through the heavy London traffic.

When we arrived I made it clear that the place is severely booby trapped. The first one of the thousand awaiting threats that attacked us was a sledgehammer that was connected to the door. That thing swung at us not once but twice. I am four foot tall but he is six foot tall. I remained as is but he had to duck and cover. The second one was a heated doorknob. So we choose to use a different path to get to her. We were almost shot with a filed out shotgun twice but we got lucky. He and I snuck into a room with a lot of TVs and saw from a security footage that my friend was trapped inside a tank. Someone had placed a hose and was filling it with water. So we had to move quickly. I sensed the route with the least amount of traps and started to run.

The first trap was a trip wire. The second one was loose floor boards. The third was a flamethrower. The fourth was an axe that swung at me. He pulled me out of the way. The last one was a wall full of nail guns. They were firing nails at us alternatively. We had to turn around and had punch a hole with one the axes to to get out of the booby traps. When we finally got to her the water level had reached her chin. She was screaming for mercy as the monster chuckled. He promised that mercy had left the building. I squeezed Declan's arm and it raised by itself. I felt his muscles flex and heard a very distinct bang.

Declan shot the guy from behind as I quickly turned off the water. We used the hose as rope to pull her out. She hugged me and cried. The trip down was a nightmare. The floor gave way and we had to turn around. We almost landed in the wall of nail guns again. A few dumbbells fell from the ceiling on the first left turn we took. This guy really rigged this place for some serious anti-burglary system. How is it that nobody had noticed this was going on. How did he managed to buy these without raising suspicion. Finally we that we on the ground floor so we broke the window to get out of there. I got in a cab while Declan followed us on his bike.

We got her home safely and I asked Declan to leave us alone. Cheryl has agoraphobia and her rapist kinda resembles Declan so this isn't helping her. He wished her a wonderful evening and left to find out about his next assignment. I scribbled a number on a post it note and gave it to him discreetly. He asked me who will answer the phone when he dials this number. To which I replied, "Our daughter" His eyes well with tears as he walked off into the night. As for me I made her chilli oil Ramen for dinner and then I passed out on the couch.

The next day I made her eggs on toast and left to meet the eraser. Declan was outside with McKinnon and McGregor. Both gave me a smile as I waved at them. I hopped on a cab and reached Heathrow airport. I got a ticket that Tim had left for me and boarded my plane. I waited till after take off to find him looking comfortable. I sat next to him and he called his police friend who was handling the entire situation on the ground. I closed my eyes and told him what the enemy was up to. Then I pulled out my sketch pad and started to draw. Tim seriously had to find the kid so the family will testify against the criminals that were opposing the high table. I made it clear no head shots. I am not a person who enjoys blood and guts. Tim promised me as his friend answered the phone call

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