Chapter 4

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I came down for breakfast when I saw curls (the Fed with curly hair) I gave her a smirk as she straightened herself with the next round of guilt tripping. She waited diligently till I finished my breakfast. I even did the dishes to prolong things but finally I had enough so I asked her to leave. She just stared me for a few moments before she reached into her pockets. I thought she was reaching for a gun or handcuffs. She pulled out an envelope.

She gave me a picture. I stared at the image before declaring that I have never met him a day in my life. She shook her head, "This is Tyler Gauge. He has special abilities like you. He was assigned to me as part of a special division. This was a full year after you disappeared. He had helped us for eight months so finally we asked him to find you. He found you and made a stunning discovery.

He said that he has long accepted you as his imaginary friend. You had helped him find relief from his nightmares. The after effects of his use of tracking was deadly. He would have nightmares and he won't eat for a day or two. The nastiest after effects of his gift was monsters that harassed him day in and day out. They would talk to him about self harm and how everyone consider him to be absolutely useless. He would isolate himself till you arrive to chase away those things. Some days you would arrive late and by then he would cut himself or hit himself. He would lock himself in his room and scream. He said that his imaginary friend would show up and help him throw the dark ones away.

You told him that our job was to make sure that he stop finding those missing kids he had painstakingly found until he was discovered by the Feds. Our job is to divert him to find terrorists, murderers and kidnap victims. Whatever happens the Feds would leave the children for dead unless the child belongs to a powerful politician. So we can stand in front of the reporters and brag about it. We wouldn't care as he loses his mind slowly. This gift comes with a price. When he loses his mind we will allegedly abandon him like we did Cary Simmons. He will eventually kill himself. He wanted to find you to prove you wrong. He was about to see where you were when you pushed him out and woke him up.

He tried again the next day and in retaliation you undid whatever you did to stop those dark things that was getting in the way of his gift. He started to hear voices and saw horrible things. He went to therapy and finally the doctor recommended pills that blocked his gift. He was no longer able to help people. Should he ever stop taking them he would go insane. He did self harm and almost killed himself. The doctors finally asked us to leave him alone. We had no other choice so we asked him to help us find a little girl of a federal judge and he stopped taking his meds. A few hours later he jumped out of a building and died. He didn't have the opportunity to tell us where the little girl was. Her dead body was found a few days. She would have been home had he been able to find her."

I retorted, "Do you have any proof of that? Any video or audio? When he allegedly talked about me did you record the conversation? What proof do you have that I am what you say I am. Some self harming lunatic makes a claim and you believe him? Who died and decided to give you a badge and a gun. Whoever it was deserves therapy." She had no answers to my inquiry so I smiled, "So it's your word against mine." She tried to talk but I made it clear that she is not roping me with stories made by people wearing tin foil hats. I pointed at the door and asked her to leave. If she wants to convince me to help her she is mistaken. She pulled out her handcuffs and tried to arrest me for allegedly withholding information regarding a case that is none of my business. But thankfully my family stopped her. She had no choice but to leave empty-handed. She had the infamous 'I'll be back' look on her face. I had no choice but to call Roman to get me out of here. I promised to stay in contact with my family but I didn't want further trouble. They began to protest but I used my walkie talkie and we all heard the conversation the FBI had. Mom had to make peace with the facts that I am leaving. I promised to call her once a week. They let me go if I promise to call twice a week. I promised to do so and I was allowed to leave.

Roman arrived before the Feds did. He arrived as repairmen. I wriggled into an empty duffle bag that Roman had with him. I gave Alex my satchel. I waved goodbye and Alex zipped me up. We got in the van and drove off. Alex placed me in a hidden compartment. There was an oxygen canister for me to breathe. I didn't know how long I was going to be in there so I used my oxygen carefully. There was a road block and a checkpoint. The van was searched well and thoroughly. The dogs found nothing and same for the people. They spent extra time with this van since eyewitnesses say that there was some similarities to the vehicle that left my family's house a few hours ago. They finally let us go but a helicopter followed us till the Feds got a tip from an Instagram post that I was seen in near the park clearly looking like I was waiting for someone. So the helicopter had to follow the instructions and turn around.

We arrived at our destination and I sensed that someone was following us from a distance. So I asked to remain in the bag till we were in the plane. Roman quickly ordered someone else to drive the van out of there. There was no plane only a super car. They quickly changed their outfits and drove off in a different direction. We managed to get as far away as possible when I finally got out of the bag. The windows were tinted so I can see outside but the outside can't see in. After we made a right turn I asked Roman to stop the car. I got out and found a perfect hiding spot. A rusted and wrecked car next to a gnarled tree and soon enough we both saw a car drive into the air strip. The law abiding citizen that was so eager to catch me arrived too late to find an empty lot. He was so pissed that he kicked his car and started to look around hoping to find us. He made a mistake a took the first left turn. I happily snickered as we hoped into the car and drive off to the train tracks.

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