Chapter 3

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He gave me a helmet for safety. My birth mother was not happy that I still like those two wheel death machines. I kind of understood what she meant. I mean if Maeve tried to ride one of these she would be grounded for the rest of her life. I promised not to be reckless but she seems to think that I am an intergalactic magnet for trouble. So she simply gave me a tired look before waving me off. I winked at Pops and hopped on the bike. Pops waved as I drove off.

I kept driving till I was out of DC. I drove till I reached a small town. There was a diner not far from the bridge. An old woman was sweeping the street. An old man was sitting near a convenience store reading a newspaper. A few people were seen walking around with their shopping. There were trucks and cars moving back and forth. I stepped into the diner and asked to use the restroom. I found a payphone that seems to be working. I punched the number Roman had given me. He answered in the third ring itself. I explained that I was compromised. He said that he will look into to it. He asked me not to be offended for asking but he wanted to know if I was a special abilities person like they are saying on the news. I chuckled, "Fooled you as well. People like to make stuff up. They say an idiot is born every minute. Are you telling me you believe in superstitions?"

He apologized profusely and promised to send help to remove me from Washington in six days. I asked him if it was possible to send me a burner phone. It seems my current one is compromised. He promised to deliver it personally. I asked to watch out for Aster. She and Damian are up to something. He promised to investigate the matter after he delivers the phone. He wished me well and I hung up and dial nine one one and hung up. I walked out to see two FBI agents looking for me so I had to use the back door. I carefully snuck out. Thankfully my stepbrother likes his bike silent so the Feds didn't hear me start the engine. They only knew I was gone after I left. I smiled as I had managed to dupe them.

I drove back to my 'home' and saw an SUV was waiting outside. When I got in I saw a woman in a suit waiting for me. She had shoulder length curly hair. She was slightly older than me. She wanted to know where I was all these years. She also wanted to know where I drove off to since I had successfully managed to get away from the FBI vehicle tailing me. I said that I drove around. I was hoping for fresh air and some quiet. This wasn't good enough so she decided to arrest me. That didn't go so well since I live in a house full of cops. They shielded me from her reminding her that the last time she tried that the judge had granted me a restraining order against her. The woman had no choice but to let me go. She promised me that I will help her. I wanted to ask her if she gets revelation from God but thought it would be best if I just shut up. She tried to appeal to my humanity but I stood my ground. I reminded her that I am a civilian so whatever nonsense she had planned would most likely blow in her face. After a few minutes she realized that I wasn't interested in helping her so she walked off irritated. Mom said that she will take care of it. Both my parents and step family made calls and got her off me. I know that this won't deter the woman. I stayed indoors and tried to behave myself.

She started to wait outside to ambush me so I got bored and hired a lawyer. I was taken to court. The judge ruled I should  take a lie detector test and I also presented evidence that the FBI does absolutely nothing but waste tax dollars to spy on me when they have the tech to detect criminals. I even proved that they going through my family's mail. When I showed the judge the video where she show gruesome images of dead people in front of a child. It was enough to convince the judge to reinstate the restraining order. And once again the FBI was warned that if they harass me or force me to help them by hook or crook the evidence they present against the person of interest will be deemed inadmissible. This was met with outrage from one of the agents. Her superior told her to remain calm. She had no choice but to respect the judge's order. The people who were parked outside my house had to leave, except one woman.

She seemed determined to prove I was someone with unnatural abilities. I found notes about her in my old room. Her husband sexually abused her daughter repeatedly. She ran away to be safe so I had concluded that she is safer where she is. This was the reason her mother hated me. She would go to lengths to follow me to prove that I had lied about being schizophrenic. So this is just another Monday for me. I explained to mom that I had a tick that needs to be removed so I would like to borrow the bike. She knew that someone was harassing me so I was going to get rid of them. I wasn't allowed to use the bike. Instead I had to tell her what was going on. It didn't take much to convince mom to arrest her. The woman kept saying that she could have fought him off. She allowed it happen. Meanwhile there has been accounts from neighbors that she screams for help. Her mother simply ignores it since he is the breadwinner of the family. I told her that she makes me sick. She said a few profanities and I smacked her on the face. As my fingers touched her cheek I saw a few images. Most people she had dates were pedophiles. Abusing her daughter was normal. The woman asked me if I saw anything and I said that I took a moment to remember that she is a horrible person. I was so disgusted that I ask that I never see her again.

Mom promised that we will talk when she comes home. I was surrounded by my family after dinner wanting to know what I had seen. When I was done explaining they were sick to their stomachs.

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