Chapter 2

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I woke up to see that I was still in the hospital so whatever happened wasn't a dream. So I asked them to do a DNA test so I am sure. They smiled at me as Mom arranged it. I heard yelling and soon people were heard shouting that it is rude to shove. Mere moments later the door was forcibly open and the FBI waltz in. They demanded a full report wanting to know where I was these past ten years and also they demanded my belongings in police custody. The officer that discovered me said that it was stolen. So the Feds asked me to come with them. To which my entire family opposed. Reminding them that I had gotten a restraining order making it clear that these people are not allowed with in a hundred yards of me. They ignored this so one of my 'family' member called the judge and she told them to leave me alone or the evidence they submit will be considered inadmissible. This prompt few heated words but they had to leave. I asked for my belongings and he pulled it out his backpack. Mom wanted to say something but she was overruled.

An hour later I was discharged from the hospital and I went through my laptop to find out where Mrs. Coulter was. She was here in Washington DC. I was so pissed that I almost flipped the table. I sat with absolute outrage till Pops closed the laptop for answers. I explained how Moira was involved in human traffickers going by the name Alpha Vectio Ventura. This is a complex network of people on the grassroot level that are kidnapping boys and girls for multiple reasons. Anyone from a kindergarten teacher, even unform police officer, taxi driver to motel owner could be involved. Some of them are sold as sex workers but others are used as guinea pigs to test the latest drugs or forced surrogacy. If they misbehave then their vital organs are harvested and the remains are put in a chemical. They turn to liquid and then they are flushed down the drain. The organs are taken to hospital the rich and influential pay the doctor an obscene amount so they won't have to be on the waiting list. The doctor makes the call and he is instructed where he should drop the money. The body part arrives within minutes of the drop. The doctor pays in cash so there is no paper trail. These people are a disgrace to the hypocritic oath. I shall do no harm. They cater to pedophile, people in the drug business and also scientists as well.

When I was done talking I saw a roomful of scared faces. One of them stepped forward and I asked him to identify himself. He said that he was my father. He wanted to know why Interpol was involved but not the FBI. I made it clear that certain people in the Feds were members of Alpha. So whenever Mrs. Moira Coulter is arrested they fight tooth and nail to get her out of jail and then let her go free. This caused an uproar but not for long. They froze for a moment wanting to know how they can help me arrest her. I said that the only way she can be jailed is if she give a confession on live social media. Some of them chuckled  that it is easier said than done. I also made it clear that she can't be arrested on American soil. She has to be arrested abroad. That can only happen when she leaves in eight days. I asked them if there was a room where I could stay in till then. There was a series of protests but it died down. When dad said I could go if I give him a number he can call me. I promised to make it happen and he showed me a space he calls my old room.

Dad wished me goodnight as he stepped out. When I turned around to see a guy came through the window. He introduced himself as Dominic. He walked around like it was his own bedroom. I simply mentioned that there is such thing as a door. He waved it off saying where's the fun in that. I retorted that this isn't his girlfriend's bedroom. He gave me a once over and went back his inspection of my room. The room looked seriously bare. There were no posters or pictures or paintings. All it had was a bed, a table, a chair, a dresser and a trunk. Nothing special. He looked everywhere and slipped out. He poked his head back in and asked me not to locked the window. I threatened to call the police the next time he came in here without permission. He gave me a smirk before he went down. I tried to lock the window and discovered that it was broken. So I asked dad if I could go to the hardware store get a new one. He searched the garage and found one. I thanked him as he fixed it for me.

That night the family threw a party in the honor of my return. Family friends arrived to wish me well. They saw how I looked like so they prayed for my recovery and then they wanted details to which I only answered that I don't remember. This didn't deter them at all. This was till one of them pointed out that I was kidnapped before and it had a horrible effect on my gift. I never bothered with therapy because I rather move on with my life. This made a few people mad since they were hoping to find their families but now that was impossible. The others countered them said that I have the right to choose. After which they continued their interview with mom about her hunt for a notorious serial killer. The Feds parked outside with a van. Dad called the police and the agents had to leave. Soon dinner was over and people lined up to leave. They all wished me a happy welcome and also they also wished me to get my memory back since I had no clue what they were talking about.

I was returning a casserole dish to one of the neighbors when I saw the FBI van coming back. I warned the old lady that there is a van selling drugs. They are pretending to be FBI agents so if she sees any vans that she doesn't know arrive please call 911. She could actually be saving a life. She promised to warn the entire neighborhood. She thanked me profusely as she closed the door. I ran as fast as I could to get back home before they managed to park. I warned mom that the Feds were back and she calmly called the neighborhood watch commitee. Meanwhile dad called 911. The Feds had to leave the neighborhood. They would take a few rounds but they were in for a surprise. There are those that petrol the street after hours. Their job was to keep an eye out for drug sales, peeping Toms, break-in and rape. They were informed about these people. By midnight the Feds had no choice but to ditch the idea when one of them heard that there was junkie that was going around pretending to be them selling drugs.

The next morning I opened the curtains to see Dominic waiting to get in. He had a box of bear claws. I simply shut the curtains and called out to dad. He was kind enough to talk to Dominic. I made it clear that he doesn't have a chance to date me since I am married. This was a shock to my family. They demanded whatever pictures I had of my family. I pulled out a picture of my daughter  Maeve from my phone case. Pops wanted to know who the father was. I showed him a picture of Declan. Everyone was impressed. They wished me well as I walked out the door. I was heading to the park to clear my head when I had a bad feeling so I asked if I could borrow the bike on the driveway. My other brother loaned me his bike and I promised to bring it back without a scratch. He chuckled, "I wouldn't hold my breath sis"

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