Chapter 1: From the Start

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The first time our eyes met I thought his eyes looked like sapphires - each glint poised in silent elegance, commanding respect with their unwavering gaze.

7th Grade

Before 7th grade arrived, my dad and I embarked on a summer journey—daily gym sessions and a commitment to healthier eating. As the weeks passed, subtle changes began to emerge: my skin took on a luminous glow, my hair shimmered, and an unfamiliar sense of confidence blossomed. With the fresh start of the new school year came not only a shift in my personal style but also an influx of friendships. Everything was looking up. 

I told my best friend, Pretty, to meet me by the front entrance of our school building. Pretty has been my friend since the first day of 6th grade when I bravely asked her to be my friend. She was the only other Latina in our class, I know, super cliche. As we entered the school, there were poster signs with our names and our classroom numbers. I skimmed it quickly and saw that Pretty and I were in the same class again. Overwhelmed with excitement, we jumped up and down before eagerly heading to our classroom together. 

Upon entering the classroom, I made sure to scan the room. It struck me that none of my other friends were there besides Pretty. However, amidst the crowd, I couldn't help but notice the boy with the sapphire eyes. Our gazes briefly met, his majestic blue eyes twinkling slightly, and after a while, he looked away. With a shrug, I dismissed the encounter.

In September, I started dating this boy whom I had been obsessed with since 6th grade. Finally getting his attention was a challenge, considering he was a grade above me. His lack of interest made me feel insecure, as it was apparent he wasn't as into me as I was into him. I'd rather not dwell on him, but to summarize: he eventually broke up with me.

I was completely heartbroken. I cried in my room, in the bathroom, at breakfast, and every time I'd see him in the halls. During 4th period, I forgot my notebook, so I raised my hand and asked if I could go grab it from my locker. My teacher nodded, granting permission. As I dug through my backpack, I heard his voice. I turned around to find my heartbreaker. He looked at me briefly and then hurried into his class. I winced, feeling my heart sink. He's avoiding me—this feeling sucks. I could feel my eyes becoming watery, so I immediately tilted my head and looked up at the ceiling, in an attempt to contain my tears. But it was too late. My tears started to fall. I quickly tried to wipe them away as I walked back into class.

In class, I can feel everyone's eyes drilling into the back of my head. I keep sniffling, and my tears won't stop flowing. I just can't seem to hold them back.

Sapphire eyes approaches me and whispers, "Let's talk outside the class."

I was taken aback since we rarely ever talked, and the only thing I ever noticed about him was his eyes. After wiping my nose, I followed him out.

"Antonella.. What's wrong?"

He knows my name. He knows my name?

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. You've been crying for the past 20 minutes. I thought you could use a break from all the stares." He smiles softly.

I gaze at his smile for a moment until it fades as he notices my attention shifting to his lips. "My boyfriend broke up with me," I confess.

His eyes gleam. "Oh... That's terrible.. The guy can't be that great if he's able to leave a girl like you so easily."

I laugh, I'm weak to cheap compliments, especially when I'm feeling down.

"Ah, there we go, there's that smile." He says.

I start to feel a bit bashful. "Thank you. You're quite the charmer, aren't you? What's your name?"

He says "Phoenix, Phoenix Alexander but everyone calls me Nix."

"Well Nix, you just made my day. I owe you one."

"Hm I know what you can do, how about you give me your number just in case I ever need help with my homework." He says slyly.

I giggle "Alright but don't get mad at me when your marks are all zeros."

He laughs, the teacher comes out and signals us to come back in class. I give Phoenix one last smile as we enter the class. He gives me a wink.

Following that ordeal, Nix and I started texting consistently. He kept me company throughout Thanksgiving break and Winter break, discussing trivial matters like our favorite music and our holiday activities. However, on New Year's Eve, I found myself overwhelmed with sadness, my thoughts drifting back to my ex. Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized I was still grappling with my first heartbreak, feeling a mixture of sadness and frustration that I hadn't moved on yet.

Me: Hey Phoenix, I'm feeling quite sad, I miss you know who. Should I try to win his heart again? Lol

Phoenix read my text but didn't respond for awhile. After a few minutes he says: If I were to ask you out.. would you say yes 

While I acknowledged Phoenix's attractiveness, I mainly saw him as a friend rather than as a lover. Nonetheless, I selfishly hoped he could help me move on from my ex, whose memory continued to weigh heavily on my heart.

Me: Yes

Following our return from winter break, Phoenix approached me. He appeared polished, his jet-black hair gleaming, his flawless skin resembling glass. Clad in a red t-shirt, black jeans, and a grey leather jacket, it was evident he had put effort into his appearance. He was accompanied by a group of his male friends, and I sensed what was about to unfold. "Antonella, can I ask you something?"

"Hi Phoenix, yeah go ahead."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" His voice trembling.

I hesitate for a moment, but ultimately persuade myself that I'll grow to like him in time. "Yes," I reply.

His friends start screaming and jumping up and down, Phoenix joins them and then hugs me. I can't help but to smile and laugh.

However, as they say, nothing good lasts forever. I dated Phoenix for about a month, but I just couldn't bring myself to develop feelings for him. It puzzled me. He was incredibly kind, my first Valentine, and he genuinely cared for me. Despite this, I felt dreadful—like I was undeserving of his affection. I couldn't bear to prolong the charade any longer, so I ended things with him. His response was simple: "Ok. I'll leave you alone forever now." I couldn't bring myself to reply.

In the blink of an eye, the 7th-grade year drew to a close, marking the arrival of summer at last.

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