Chapter 10: Paloma Negra

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During the two months I was with James, I kept my true feelings to myself. After the incident with Selena, my trust issues made it impossible to confide in anyone. I wanted out but didn't know how to break it off gently. I had never had to navigate a relationship so delicately before. James didn't deserve what I was putting him through, but my greed prevented me from letting him go.

February of Sophomore Year

James and I had a huge argument over text because he didn't like that I was friends with Charles. He forbade me from hanging out with or texting him. Angry, I told James he didn't own me. Charles had been my friend long before we started dating, and he had no authority over who I could spend time with. Although James had many female friends, and it bothered me, I never felt it was fair to stop him from seeing them. I wanted him to extend the same consideration to me.

Out of spite I planned to hangout with Charles.

Me: Hey dude, come to the mall with me. I need to do some shopping

Charles: Don't you have any girl friends you can drag along?

Me: Don't be a dick, I know you're free.

Charles: Ouch. Come pick me up from Jenny St, I'll meet you there

I found it strange that Charles was on the east side since he lived on the north side, but I didn't question it because I was still feeling spiteful. Before leaving, I noticed my eyeliner was smudged, so I quickly fixed it and reapplied eyeshadow and mascara. On my way there, I thought about James and considered canceling to drive Charles home instead. But revisiting our texts made me mad again, so I decided against it. As I pulled into the market's parking lot, I spotted Charles. I waved, and saw two hands rise—one was Charles, and the other was Phoenix, two steps behind him. My eyes widened briefly, then softened when I realized Phoenix saw me. I got out and dragged Charles to the other side of the car.

I whisper, "What the fuck, Charles? You didn't tell me he was coming," and slap the back of his head.

He whispers back, "Hey! Chill out. I didn't know he was coming until I left. He just decided to tag along."

"Well tell him to  fucking leave," I say, standing up straight and glaring at Phoenix.

Phoenix smirks, "How lovey-dovey. I didn't know you two were like that."

"Shut up, you should head back," Charles says.

"No way! And miss this? We're going to the mall, right? I need to get a few things too."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, just get in. Let's go." I feel giddy. 

Before getting in, I say, "Charles, you're in the front with me."

Phoenix laughs and settles in the back, leaning forward with one arm pressed against the back of my seat and the other against Charles's.

"I'm not moving this car until you put your seatbelt on," I say, crossing my arms and leaning back. 

"Yes, ma'am," Phoenix replies, sitting back and fastening his seatbelt.

"Good boy" jokingly says Charles.

I laugh as Phoenix frowns. 

"Did you redo your makeup?" Charles asks.

I grit my teeth "No, why would I do that?"

"Did you want to look nice for me?" Charles smirks.

"Why would I want to look good for someone who's ugly?" I laugh.

Charles rolls his eyes as we get out of the car. How did he notice I redid my makeup? Does he pay that much attention to how I look? His comment made me feel embarrassed, enough that I didn't feel like I could be honest. Normally, I would've just said yes without a second thought.

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