Chapter 7

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The ride back to the office had been uneventful and filled with an uncomfortable silence.

Seriously, like I couldn't stop talking on the way out to this event, and now, I was listening to my breathing and hoping that it wasn't too loud. I'd messed up royally, making my boss have to come find me at an event that I was only in attendance at the last minute.

I didn't want to do anything else to annoy him for the rest of the day, so when we walked onto our floor back at the office, I quietly made it my mission to work at my desk without any further disturbances.

No ripples, Otanyi. Just be cool.

The Chief had extended his ignoring of me from the car ride to the elevator and didn't even give me a second glance when he walked past my desk into his office and shut the door.

And that's where he'd been all afternoon.

I was just about to get up from my seat to bravely knock on his office door to see whether he wanted anything else from me before I took off for the evening when I heard a loud voice from behind me.

"Hi, I'm Georgia," when I turned, I was stunned to see that the voice matched the owner to a tee.

Was everybody coming into this office a fan of wearing bright colors?

I was going to rethink my all-neutral wardrobe. Damn, and I'd just finished putting together a fun capsule for the week.

"Hello, I'm Otanyi. Wait, no, just Tani," I replied.

"So, which is it? Otanyi or Tani? Either is simply beautiful, much like yourself," I wanted to receive the compliment as it was given, especially as the giver was so gorgeous. I considered myself pretty uniquely stylish, but this woman was on an entirely other level. She brought the chic, from her beautiful coifed short curls and thick-rimmed glasses in tortoiseshell to the yellow one-piece that coupled a wide leg pant and billowy top hanging low to expose one shoulder and tapered to her waist at the center with a tasteful sash.

"Tani, it's just Tani," I smiled. Her bright red lipstick was stunning as she pursed her lips together. It seemed like she was giving me the once over, but that might have just been my imagination.

"Well, just Tani, is the big guy in?" she asked.

I was nodding yes even before the word formed inside of my mouth.

It was cute how she'd referred to the Chief as 'big guy.' And it immediately struck my curiosity as to who she could be. Did she work here, too?

She hadn't introduced herself, but perhaps she was waiting for me to do it first. I kicked myself mentally. I was still getting used to all the social cues needed for this job, specifically for this office.

"I'm sorry, I'm Mr. Moore's new executive assistant," I smiled as she took my extended hand and once again seemed to be checking me out.

"Yes, yes, you are. I'm his..."

But she didn't get the chance to finish her sentence; the office door that had been closed for the better part of the afternoon into the evening was thrown open.

"Gee, get in here. Leave my staff alone, please," he sounded grumpy. Strange, that's not the vibe he'd been giving me earlier. But then we hadn't really even spoken, so perhaps he had been upset. And he'd referred to me as 'staff' instead of saying my name like he had done before when making introductions at the event.

Don't read too much into it.

"It was lovely to meet you, Tani. I hope I'll be seeing much more of you," she said with a wink and blew a kiss over her shoulder at me. Then she disappeared behind the door that was closed to me once again.

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