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Where it all started

A little girl who was alone in the sea with no parents or someone to go to or help and when she thought she will die a strange ship came out of nowhere and she only see a man with dark coat and a dark green belt scarf and dark skin and dark brown eyes and hair and he have a huge scar on his face and have a missing arm and then he shouted the crewmembers to get her out of there and help her up.

"What is your name young one?" He kneel down and face to face with her and handed her a towel and she was being quiet and then she spoke.

" name is Cordelia" she looked at him with sadness and she was scared and seeing people around her and all she wanted is to go home and be with her family.

"Where are you parents?" He looked at her seriously and take off his hat and put it down somewhere.

"I don't know...I was resting and here I am...I..I...want to go home" she cried and covered her face with her hands and feel a big hand on her shoulder.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. It's okay it's okay you're going to be okay." He looked at her with worried and kindness and he grab his hat and put it on her head and smiled at her.

"How about this?. You can stay with us for a while and we can take you to shore and maybe someone might take care of you alright, kid?" He looked at her with a soft smile.

"Okay" she nodded softly and she was taking to a room to stay and rest and she looked around at the ship and she was sitting on the bed and she feeling alone then see him came back and have some hot tea for her.

"Don't worry we about to go to a nearest port so someone will help you out" he places the hot tea beside her and he looked at her and he realized she still scared and he was thinking for a moment and take out something of his coat.

"You know? When I was your age I fought my first beast" he sit down beside her and pulled out a dagger and it was kinda of sharp "and I use this bloody knife to kill it with my own hands" he showed her the knife and her scared and sadness faded away.

"And then what happened?" She looked at him and see how the knife was cool and beautiful "well I was trying to kill it and try to took out the heart and try impress the whole village that I'm strong enough to kill a beast" he looks at his knife and flipped it around a bit.

"But then I realized something that the beast is not just scary it was trying to survive and wanted to live" he looked at her. "And then what happened next did you kill it?" She said and looked at her.

"No I didn't I let it go" he looked at her and she was shocked "why?" She looked at him confused "because I told you already that beast is not dangerous it just wanted to survive and you can tell of the eyes" he looked at her and he reached his hand out of his knife and give it to her.

"Here" he give it to her and she got it and it was perfect for her and she looked at him surprised "really I can keep it?" She looked at him and he nodded.

"Yes and I know you might be a great sailor one day" he got up and leave her alone and opened the door "or a good tamer" he smiled softly and closed the door behind him.

"You're amazing" she watched him leave and she jumped out of the bed and she playing around her new knife that he gave her.

Few hours later

"Hello again" he walked in and placed his coat on the chair "well I guess this is it then" he looked at the window and Cordelia followed his direction and see they sailed up to the dock he actually going to get help for her and that means that Cordelia is not going to see this man again.

"Can I stay?" She looked at him and he was shocked to hear that "but—but...what about your family or maybe friends who can help you?" He looked at her and wondered why she wanted to stay with him.

"I have no one to go to or stay with and I don't know where my parents are now?" She looked at him in sadness and she was begging him to let her stay and not going to someone else or go to the children's home.

"If you stay with me then there's no going back and you might be a different" he looked at her again and then thinking about it and then he smiled softly.

"Are you sure you want to stay?" He looked at her and rise his brows and waiting for her response.

"Aye" she stand up straight and looked at him in the eyes and hear the ocean waves from outside of her window and then he patted her head and smiled softly at her.

"Then you are part of us now, kid" he about to walked away and then she called him out.

"Wait!. I never knew your name?" She said softly and wondered what his name is "the people around me they called me Fury by my rage, violence and passion" he looked at her seriously but then he took a deep breath and looked at her calmly "but can called me rick if you like?".

"Okay Rick" she nodded and rick walked out of the room and put on his coat on and acting all serious now and Cordelia followed him up to the main deck.

"So what's my first work?" She was beside him and have sparked her eyes of excitement and see the town up ahead and see children's and parents all together as families of their own and loved.

"Well you're first, cooking and you gotten do some schoolwork, lass" he use his hands to hold his finger up to explain every Chores and Cordelia went wide and shocked.

"What oh come on!" She looked at him seriously and he continued with this and she started to do the chores every days and she will rest until it's noontime.

This is going to be a long journey for them

Jacob holland x Cordelia (my oc)Where stories live. Discover now