Chapter 7: the great battle

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Cordelia was looking at the sea and playing with her necklace and wind blowing through her hair and water hitting on the ship as clouds move by and she hearing children laughing and a family through her mind.

"Miss you mother and father." She looked at the necklace and hide it in her pocket and then take out a map of the sea and mark down each check of the place she went. "20 years and still no sign of them." She sighs and put the map back.

"don't worry, mom and dad. i will see you soon even though some of others think of you dead but i know your alive out there somewhere." she looked at the sea one more time before she turn around and she got jump scared and yelped a little bit as she see Rick standing right there.

"Ahh!!. How long you been there for!?." She put her hand on her chest as her heart skipped a beat and Rick immediately put his hand in the air as he was apologizing.

"Just a few minutes ago and sorry I scared you." He sighed and Cordelia sighed. "It's okay." She sighed and Rick stand right next to her and looked at the sea together before Rick spoke up.

"How long you been doing this for?." Cordelia looked at him and didn't expect him to know so quickly. "Since I was 13. I know they're out there somewhere I can feel it."

"But how do you know if they still alive?." Said Rick.

"Just looked." She grab her map and placed it on a wooden box and the map of the whole sea and island and Rick was impressed and surprised to see how she did all that without him noticing that. "Cause when I was little and back on that ship there were five boats but some were missing and I know they somehow escaped." As she scanned through the map.

"But Cordy?...*sighed* what happened if you find them or maybe they just abandoned you or" Cordelia immediately cut his words off.

"They won't do that to me. I'm their daughter!." Rick looked at her in surprise. "And I will find out who I am."

"But you know who you're Cordelia and you our daughter." Cordelia sighed before looking at him.

"Adopted daughter." She put her map away and walked away from him and headed to the crow nest alone and Rick was about to say something but he stopped himself and turned around and looked at the sea by himself. And then take out a picture of him and his family and looked at his kids in it.

"I missed you."


The inevitable shoot light of red fireworks in the sky and Captain crow was at the main deck and Jacob went beside him and looked at the sky.

"We passed Rum Pepper island in the night. We've reached the Dregmorr." Said Captain crow.

"Aye, and we'll find that thing soon enough." As Jacob and Crow looked at the main deck but then hear a knife sound and they turned around and see Maisie and she grin at them.

"I wonder if I might need something a bit little...larger?." As she leaned back and showed her knife.

"Hey, where'd did you get that knife?." As Jacob walked towards her and she stand up.

"Sarah gave it to me, cause I'm a hunter now." As she swings the knife around.

"A hunter who needs to go to bed." Jacob leaned on the railing.

"But I'm too much awake to sleep. I'm on the inevitable with Captain Crow. Them pictures in me books come to life, and exacting bloody revenge!." As she swings the knife around and it hits the wooden railing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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