chapter 4: weird

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a sun light hit Jacob eyes. and he opened his eyes and rub his face and look beside and see Sarah already passed out after all those drinking and see a castle they going to and see people on the road and cheering at those hunters and then Crow and Sarah and Jacob walk inside of the throne room and a large sea beast hanging in the ceiling and then see the king and queen sitting on their thrones like royals.

"well, if it isn't Captain Crow and his loyal mates." said the king as he sit on his throne as Jacob went to the table where the foods are at and Sarah stand beside Crow as crow take off his hat.

"your grace, as you can see the ocean have offered abundant of prey" said crow as he is showing off the horns that they hunted.

"and i see you've taken full grown. Brickleback. A specimen like that garners quite a bounty. but there's something i don't see." the queen look at the horns and then look back at Crow and his Loyals mates with disappointment look "the horn of the red Bluster. Admiral Horngold reported a rumor" the queen rise her hand to show a man who is standing beside her and Crow and the others hissed in anger of not happy to see him as they all same at the same time "Admiral Horngold" as the queen speaks "that you spotted the red bluster ,but abandoned your pursuit...Because of a certain code." as the other look mad as Jacob made the apple go away from his face and look at crow.

"The royals don't pay you to honor such codes. they pay you to killed monsters. how many more ships will be lost cause you the bluster slip away?" as Horngold pointed at them and looked at crow and Crow looked back at him with anger in his eyes (he's ready to kill him right there).


"come on" rick jump over the walls and reach his hands out for Cordelia. as she quickly took it and both of them sneak in the castle and Cordelia was confused of why they here in the middles of daylight but before she could ask why they here, but rick was already inside of the castle and she followed him inside from the window and they walk through the halls, and they try their best to not get caught and then rick went inside the a door and she followed after him and then he open a secret room and they walk though in and take them to the throne room and Rick looked around and make sure that no one was here and he quickly went out fast and he went to the middle of the room and was looking at the ground like he was looking for something.

"Ricky, why are we here?. we're both are going to be killed if they see us" she walk towards him and see him keep looking at something but then kneel down and take out a big map of the sea and then look at the map one more time before he mark it down and then look at Cordelia "finding answers ,kid" he got up and wipe off his hands but then the door open from the balcony and Rick and Cordelia quickly hide behind a big table and they take out their weapons if there's any fights.

Cordelia took a peak but then see Jacob again and she quickly hid back again and heard there voice "we're going to find that red Bluster and bring them to their door steps. the hunters will not be over." Cordelia and rick heard that and knows it going to be bad for them if they go near the red bluster and then Cordelia hears the queen voice but she sounded weird that she acted up differently when the hunters left and then heard the queen ordered people to leave the room now and it was Rick and Cordelia opportunity to leave.

But as Cordelia was about to make a escape from there. She accidentally dropped her necklace off of her pocket and she immediately go grab it and Rick was about to go after her but the crowd already pushed him to leave and thank god that they wear the kingdom uniform outfit on and Cordelia immediately grabbed it and put in her pocket but then hears the queen voice.

"You I never saw you before here?." She looked at her curiously and Cordelia couldn't escape this one's and then she turned around face her and she stand up straight and bowed to her "because I'm new here, you're highness" said Cordelia but as she looked up the queen looked surprised and shock to see her face and that necklace. And then the queen looked at Cordelia seriously. "What's your name?" She said.

"My name is Becca but everyone else called me Becky, your Majesty" she lowered her head down and then the queen speak "you remind me of someone who i knew" she said before walking around her like a predator. "We use to be so close but sadly we were no match for us" she said and looked at Cordelia. "So tell me where are you from?" Said the queen.

"I'm from...from...from the up coast. Then move here to get a better life". Said Cordelia as the queen looked at her in her eyes and Cordelia looked back at her before the queen wave her off. "Go on then. You are dismissed" said the queen and Cordelia nodded before walking off and when she got out of the throne room Rick quickly hug her and looked at her.

"Are you okay?. Did they hurt you?". Rick looked at worried and thought they did something to her and his face was worried like a father would react when their kids got hurt. "No I'm okay". She nodded softly before Rick hugged her tight and he was glad he was okay and was scared that he will other daughter.

"Come let's go back" said Rick and Cordelia nodded and they both quickly headed back and Cordelia was curious of why the queen of white rock was looking at her funny. Like she have seen a ghost and Rick on the other was glad she was okay and not killed.

—chapter four ended here—

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