Chapter 6: i go left and i go right

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Two young sailors raced up to a crow nest and looked out at the sea and one sailor came in first and rise his both arms in the air as a victory and looked down and he put out his hand to help his friend get in.

"Need a hand, old man?." He laughed and his friend rolled his eyes and grab his hand and got in the crow nest.

"I ain't that old, Ricky. I'm just turned 30 but I ain't old." He laughed as he leaned against the rail.

"Eh. Kinda of old." He laugh and they both looked at the view of the sea before his friend sigh. "What's wrong Augustus?." He turned around and fully looked at him.

"My father is retiring from being captain." Rick eyes wide in shock. "What really?. Who's going to be the new captain?."

"Me." He looked at him and a small grin.

"Oh really!?. I'm proud of you man!." He patted his back and smiled at him.

"Man I can't wait for us as the new generation. Like captain Augustus crow and first loyalist mate Rick William lake." He put his hands in the air to make a picture frame.

"But I don't know if I want this position?." Said Augustus and He sigh.

"What do you mean?." He sit in the rail as his legs are crossed.

"Being Captain is a lot of responsibility for this job and what I'm going to do without my father?. I don't know if I'm good enough or maybe—." Rick immediately cut him off by putting his finger on his lips.

"Shh!. Man calm down. One you be a good captain and two you not alone because I'm here and so does the others and I'm not going anywhere." Said Rick.

"But what happened if something happened to us?." He looked at him seriously before sit next to him and tried not to fall.

"Well if something happens we go down together as a brother and no matter where you go Augustus I will follow you as your best friend and brother." He put his hand out to him to shake on it. "Deal and promise."

Augustus smiled and laughed and took his hand and shake. "Good and... I go left." He nodded.

"And I go right." He nodded and they both laughed and looked back at the view and see the sunset.


"Rick?. Rick?.rick!?." Cordelia snap him out of it and Rick quickly wake up. "Are you okay?. Looks like you see a ghost."

"I'm fine kid. I just haven't slept well." He nodded and try to ignore the memory.

"Amber told you to sleep more often. Maybe I should go on mission on my own and you could go back home and get some rest." She said as she sail the ship.

"No. I want to do this I don't want you to get hurt or anything else." Sounded so serious as they both looked at the sea.

"You been acting weird when we go fight the inevitable." She crossed her arms before she looked at him in concern. "Are you...scared?." She teased him.

"Me!?. Scared?. No....never!." He shake it off.

"You hesitate." You tease him again and grin at him. Before Rick changed the subject.

"Hey the only thing that I was scared that you use water first and then put the tea bag in last!." He recapped.

"Oh come on that's like few years ago!. I say I was sorry and I don't know how to use tea." She said

Jacob holland x Cordelia (my oc)Where stories live. Discover now