Chapter three: the returned

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"Captain? Captain!? Captain!?" Jacob looked at his father and see him finally awake and crow cough and breathe and looked around and see his crew members were worried about him and he got up and head to the front and see the red bluster far away and swimming away from here and lose his big chance to killed it.

"Captain, the mizzen's in splinters, and I don't like the main." Said Sarah as she see few parts of the ship were kinda of broken.

"She can't fight"

"Then we'll come back for the Bluster when she can. Repairs shouldn't take too—" Jacob said but crow interrupted him and changed the new course for home.
"Set a course for Three Bridges. We're going home" as crow said as he walked back to his office and everyone were quiet and as he closed the door.

"What the hell were you thinking!?" He walked inside the house and take off his mask and look at her. "You always do this you should've got killed out there!!" He looked at her angry.

"Rick!, I was helping and I say I was sorry for being late okay!!." She take off her mask and take off her armor as a woman walked in with dark hair curls and darker skin and kinda of few grey hair and looked at them.

"Now what's going on here?." She crossed her arms as she looked at the both of them. "She was late...again!!" He looked at her and she looked back at her.

"Rick, honey, she was doing something else and she can't go places at the same time" she looked at her husband with her soft eyes and she been married him since Cordelia was 11 and thought it be weird to have a child that it not there but she accepted her even though she always wondered what actually happened to her parents.

"Yeah I have jobs to do not like this" she walked up to her room and closed the door and Rick was about to go after her but his wife stopped him.

"Leave her be she need her time of her own". She walked into the kitchen as her husband followed and leaned against the counter before sigh.

"What am I going to do Amber?." He looked at her as she was cleaning dishes. "She driving me crazy right now and she will be the death of me".

"Maybe stop treating her like a child and maybe let her see people or find someone new." She looked at him serious as she dry her hands before making dinner for them.

"But she be killed if she step foot on that village down there. And you know what?. If someone see her that she the red fury they going to—"

"They not. They won't know about that because no one ever see her face and I know Cordelia she strong, brave and kind girl who cares about her loved family." Both of them went quiet for a second before she say something else.

"But you need to tell her the truth." She looked at him. "About what?" Said Rick as he putting his armor away. "About everything she needs to know about her self before us?."

"No. Not all of it". He lowers his head and it's been 20 years since he took Cordelia in and raise her as his own kid. "I think we should put it on hold. I'll tell her I promise".

"Alright then". She cooking as Rick was helping her with cutting vegetables. But as Cordelia she went to the village as she heard that the inevitable are coming back home and know that Maisie is going to be see them.
"It's good to be home at last!." As Sarah holding on the rope of the ship as she was speaking to the crowd and as Maisie jumped on the top of the barrel to get a look and was shocked to finally see the inevitable ship in front of her. "But it will be a short stay, I'm afraid. Captain crow will visit the king and queen at first light. And when the ship is ready." Maisie jumped off the barrel and walking closer to them. "We'll be off to kill a monster!".

Jacob holland x Cordelia (my oc)Where stories live. Discover now