Chapter one: sleep children's

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In the scene where children's surrounding a bed and listening to a girl who is telling them a story from her book and it's call "tales of captain crow and the inevitable".

"There's was a time when children dreaded the night, for the sleeping hours of visions of horror. The dark times when those terrible sea beasts would ravage our shores, and no ship was safe on the sea." She flip an other page of the book and see a lady who holding a spear in her hand.

"But thanks to the hunters, those days are over, today, these valiant warriors battle the beasts for beyond the horizon, risking their lives to rid the seas of those nightmares creatures. And the greatest hunting ships is the inevitable and the great—" she was about to finish her story but a kid interrupted her by jumping on the bed and acting like "captain crow" and him holding a wooden sword.

"And the greatest of the hunter is captain crow!" He said and fighting a pillow and feather flowing everywhere and landed on the girl who was reading the story to the other kids.

"Hey" she blow the feather away from her hair "who's reading this story?" Before she can say anything else the maid came in and she was she to see all the children awake.

"Oh my word!. What's this? Light- out was an hour ago. Oh, you'll be the death of me." She rolled her eyes and ordered the children's to head to their beds at once "and, miss Maisie, you—".

"It was my fault ma'am!!" Said a young woman who walked in with laundry in the basket and her wearing a maiden outfit and her hair up like a bun some flowers in her hair "I let them stand up to hear her reading them a story" she walked in and saving Maisie...again.

"Cordelia, we talked this then you must follow the rules of this house if you want to stay and keep this job" she was about to say something else maisie stood up.

"It was actually my fault I convinced her to let us stay late please don't be mad at her. She was trying to put us in bed" she nodded at Cordelia and Cordelia nodded her back and it's been five years since Maisie and Cordelia became friends and they have a very good bond together.

"Very well then. So we won't have any of attempts now, are we?" Said the maiden as she walked up and looked at maisie curiously.

"Absolutely not" said Maisie and maiden walked out of the room and leave Cordelia with the children's and she placed the basket on the floor to tuck in the kids to bed and then went to Maisie. "Maisie, pearl, we have talked about this. And this is the six time of the month" she sit beside her and tuck her in".

"I know but they want to hear more about Captain crow and we couldn't" she said as Cordelia placed her book beside the table. "Well if you want to read the books to them maybe it's best if you read it to them in afternoon" she looked at Maisie softly and got up and about to walk away until.

"Can you sing for us??" Said one of the kids. "Oh children's it's getting late now and we—" before she could finish it more kids keep asking and then she give up because she doesn't want the other children being woken up in the noise. "Okay okay I will sing but only if you all get in tuck in well" all the children nodded and they tuck in perfectly and Cordelia grab a chair and put it in the middle and sit on it and then take out her music box and then start playing it.

As she sings to tuck in each kids who are fast asleep and then she went to Maisie who's she already asleep and she placed the blanket on her and then she kiss her on the forehead and say good night to her and then grab the laundry basket and walked out and grab the door handle and about to close the door and then she looked at Maisie and she smiled softly at her and then close the door and turned around and then walked downstairs where the rest of the maidens at and doing their daily tasks and see Cordelia walking in.

"Well there she is. The fun one." Say one of the maiden who is old as she cleaning the dishes and others folding the laundry's and Cordelia chuckle when she hear that and place the basket and look at them "oh come on girls they were just want to hear Maisie stories and—" she got interrupt by the other maid.

"Oh bloody that girl again" she looked annoyed as she mopping up the table "how much she having sho much trouble?" She look at them and some of them nodded and agreed with her.

"Hey!. Maisie is just a kid and kids do these stuff and it's not her fault that she doesn't know how to do these stuff like you guys have" Cordelia looked at them annoyed and still can't believe they would say that.

"I mean in tomorrow some people going to be here to adopt some kids here and I don't if she will make it to that" she laughed and some maiden laughed with her and Cordelia looked at them deadly in their eyes and she walked and whisper to herself "at least she more smarter and intelligent than you all".

As she walked though the hallway and she looked at each picture of children getting with their and then she started to think about it will Maisie find a forever family but she bug it off. of course she will find a family soon. You have to be patient that's all.

Cordelia grab her cloak and her lamb light and walked out of the house and walking back home and as she walking back home she looked at her music box and opened it and inside was a mother holding on to her baby and everything was blue and bottom like the sea and there symbol on the top like stars and Cordelia wondered what it saying and played with the music box again and then she humming as she was playing and walking back home.

(Oh my goodness!! It's Cordelia all grown up as a beautiful woman and yes her and Maisie are friends but in the future there are not just going to be friends their going to be something else. See you the next chapter)

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