Chapter 5: meet again

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As Cordelia and Rick were walking back home from the kingdom Rick looked at her in concern look and wonder why she go back with that necklace.

"Why did you go back there?. For some necklace?" As he stop by a market stand and buying food for dinner.

"Because this is the only thing I have left for my parents." She looked at her necklace and caressed her necklace "I wish I could see them one day." As she say that but Rick put his hand on her shoulder. "I wish I could do something this." He say in a sad tone. "Please don't blame yourself Rick and beside you don't know them and wasn't there...but they will be so proud of you for raising me and you all be friends maybe." She wipes off her sadness and made a small laugh and Rick laugh as well. As they leave she see Jacob again as the crew member who is loading up the ship.

"Hello again" as Cordelia have her arms behind her back and Jacob turned around and see her again.

"Oh hello again" he smiles softly as he crosses his arms. "So what are you doing? In this time of evening?." As he looked at her and Cordelia rolled her eyes.

"Oh just here getting some food for dinner with me family and I see you are going on an other hunting?" She leaned over and see them loading up the ship.

"So what you lot are doing now. Hunting an other monster?" She sail as she leaned against a wooden create as Jacob chuckled and looked at her. "We actually going after the red bluster and also have a contest with the royal navy." He said as his one arm above her head and his other hand on his hip.

Rick was buying food and then his hair gotten puffy and got chills and he looked around quickly

"My father sense is tingling something is not right...Cordelia is talking to a lad!!." He quickly looked for Cordelia and don't worry he paid his shopping.

Jacob and Cordelia were talking nicely and the crew members in the inevitable see Jacob and seeing him talking to a lass and was surprised that he finally talking to a woman in land and they all smirked and laughed and crow and Sarah seeing them from afar and they both looked at each other and they smiled as they looked at Jacob with his new friend.

"Cordelia!?" She turned around and see Rick behind her and he was all sweaty and move his long braids away from his face "oh there you are and hey we better get going." He said and looked up at Jacob and he rise his brows and looked at Cordelia. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh Rick this is Jacob. And Jacob this is Rick my father." She introduced them to each other's and Rick looked at him deadly since he be battling him and the inevitable and Jacob on the other hand didn't even know it's them "the pirate tamers" but he reached his hand to shake his hand but when he looked at his left arm and see no arm he immediately back up. "Oh sorry." Said Jacob.

"Don't apologize. I use to this all the time." He laughs and Jacob laughs with him nervously and Rick stop and his face dropped and looked at him in his eyes. "So I guess we be both going then." As Rick gently pushed Cordelia to move now and Cordelia said goodbye to Jacob as they walked back home.

"What was that?" As she holding the basket and going up to the hills

"What?" Said Rick as he walked towards him. "That attitude you did back there. You good?" Said Cordelia and Rick stop "they are our enemies and I don't like when you are talking one of them. Especially the Captain son." As he was about to walked away.

" do you know them?" Said Cordelia "yes I heard them from the book they made." Said Rick in a soft tone and try his best to avoid her answers. "But people don't say the son captain a lot, so you are hiding something?" She smiled since Rick did teach her how to tell of which person is lying or telling the truth.

" well, I really really need to stop teaching you a lot of ways I do." He sigh " alright I know Captain Crow since I was around maybe my 20s. We used to be friends back then, but since he took his captain job, so seriously and I did something back then, so seriously we never spoken again." He sigh softly as they walked past the view of the sea.

" wait you used to be part of the inevitable!?" She looked at him surprised. "What!?. No! I was just his friend back then I didn't say I was in his ship and back then I have me own ship, and since I found you, and for the past few years, I have retired and became a father for you so now here I am talking to a girl who is very slow" he laughs as Cordelia smack him on his chest, and they both laugh on the way there.

"Oh Rick by the way the inevitable are going after the red bluster." She looked at him as they walked back inside and Rick put down the stuff. "wait are you sure this time they're going after her or they gonna leave it" said Rick "this time they're going after the red bluster, they made a contest with the king and queen" Rick sigh before looking at her "go upstairs and grab your stuff and change be prepared. We Leaving in five minutes." Cordelia nodded and went upstairs

And Amber just came home and see them in action "so how was it? Do you talk to her?"  As she stand beside her husband "no, I chickened out" he groan in annoyed and his hand on his face. "What why?. You promised me that you would tell her soon." She looked at him and crossed her arms. "I know but she started to mention her parents and I don't know." He looked at Amber. "when she's gonna find out about this, she's gonna hate me." Said Rick in his nervous tone. "Honey, she not gonna hate you if you told her, she will understand but it will be hard for her when she found out about this, but she will be always knows who the one that took care of her not them."

"Okay then" Rick looked at her for one last time as he got grab his stuff and changed. "I'm going to tell her...I promise"


chapter 5 end here

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