Character two: great battle

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"All hands on deck. All together now. Heave the way!!" A woman with red hair but braided and walking around and telling everyone around the ship.

A man wrapped around his hands with bandages and pulled up his belt and climbed onto a rope to get to the crow nest and made it on top and next to him was Lea the look out person.

"Where'd you see it?." He take out his telescope and looked at the sea up ahead and Lea move her telescope away.

"Dead ahead, Jacob" she nodded and hearing a growl coming from the sea.

"Huh. Are you sure?" He take the telescope away from him and look at her "aye, a red tail. Biggest I ever saw. Just under the surface." She looked at the sea and Jacob put his telescope down. "Then today the day" he jumped out of the crow nest by using a rope to slide down and go to Captain crow who was on the main deck.

"It's the red bluster, I know it in me bones. See there" he pointed at the seagulls followed the red bluster and Jacob was beside him. "Birds follow it" and seeing them followed it. "We come all this way for a proper fight." Jacob tell him. "And we'll get it, me boy. It's been 30 years since that thing took me dead light. Now I'll have my revenge" he have an eye patch on since he lost it during a battle of a red bluster and now he wanted revenge "aye" said Jacob .

"We'll. We've passed rum pepper island. It's heading for the dregmorr sea." A woman who's name is Sarah sharpe crow first loyal mate and she take out a bottle of rum and drink it and Jacob leaned against a rope and crossed his arms.

"If we're gonna do battle with the greatest and most terrible thing in the sea, it's best not wait till after." She handed the bottle to Jacob.

"There might not be an after." He take it and drink sum of it inside and the trio look at the sea as the waves move.

Lea was watching until she see a seagull went to the other way, and she turned around and use her telescope to see what's going on. And she was shocked and she called the captain.

"Captain!, it's another hunting ship under attack!" The trio looked at her and crow take out his telescope and looked into the fog and see the ship and others did the same thing.

"It's Jim nicklebones ship" he put his telescope down "it's look like he's found a brickleback." Said Jacob as he looked at it from his telescope. "I'd say it found him" said Sarah as she put her telescope down.

"We have to help him" said Jacob and crow looked at the main deck of the sea and saw the red bluster tail come out of the water and captain crow will not leave his target.

"What course, captain" said red hair lady "we press on" Jacob and Sarah were shocked at his decision "what?" Said Jacob and looked at Sarah and go walked up to crow and did convince him to change course by telling him about the codes "it's binds us to all who come before and all who come after" it took crow a few seconds but they did change course but he now disappointed and angry that he waited 30 years to killed that monster.


He was hiding in the fogs and watched the ship being attacked and holding his large spear and wearing dark clothes to hide himself and hear a woman voice and turn around and see the inevitable and he was  waiting for him and he whistle to called his beast and stand on it and pointed at the ship with his spear.

He jumped up to the ship and fight them and as he fight them a arrow though by and dodge it but the arrow hits his necklace and it fall down and he quickly grabbed it and he sigh was glad it didn't lose it and then he turned around and see arrows shooting at him but he ducked and covered and ran behind a crate and take out a broken glass to see the reflection of the people behind him and he whistle someone.

Everyone looked up and see a falcon charged up towards them and started to attack them and he whistle the falcon to come and the falcon landed on his arm and pet it and give the falcon meat and pet it until captain crow came out of nowhere and charged them from behind but they quickly dodge it.

"Whoa clam down old man!!." He said as he take out his spear to attack him back as the fight was going on until crow throws the man with the mask sword across the ship before kicking him to the ground and ready to killed him but then.

Someone tackled him and have their legs around his neck before flipping him.

She landed on the ground and the man on the ground rolled his eyes and laughed a bit "such a poser" as she turned around and grab his fake arm that fall off and handed it to him "need an hand?" She smirked at him and he fake laugh

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She landed on the ground and the man on the ground rolled his eyes and laughed a bit "such a poser" as she turned around and grab his fake arm that fall off and handed it to him "need an hand?" She smirked at him and he fake laugh.

"Ha ha ha very funny, red fury" he grab his fake arm and placed it back on and he grabbed her hand to get a lift up "you're late" he looked at her and she scratch her head behind.

"I know and I'm sorry. I have to do my job of taking kids to bed" as they were talking they fight each hunters and they were fighting about something "look I said I was sorry. At least I saved you from a crazy man" she said and when she turned around and bumped her forehead into someone and they both hit hard and she was about to attack him but then see his face.

He have beautiful chocolate eyes and scars around his arms and strong muscles body and soft blonde hair and some tattoos on his arms. He was cute and she started to blush a little bit but then someone grabbed her arm and she turned around immediately.

"Come!. We need to get out of here now!!" He jumped out of the ship and she followed after him and then stops and looked at the man one last time before jump into the sea and vanished into the water.


"Time has come, ya devil!" Crow grabbed his lance and ran up to the main ship deck and jumped off and his lance above his head to stab the beast monster and then he finished the job by one stab.

"Time has come, ya devil!" Crow grabbed his lance and ran up to the main ship deck and jumped off and his lance above his head to stab the beast monster and then he finished the job by one stab

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-chapter two ended-

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