Chapter 8 - Floor 73

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For as long as he could remember in this game, ever since the true beginning of Sword Art Online, he had always felt like he had a purpose.

Whether it was to become strong enough to survive on his own, or to remain that strong no matter the challenge, he knew the meaning behind all of his actions.

...However, recently-

"Ducker, «switch»."

He watched a blue-haired girl who was dressed and armed like a knight use her small shield to block an attack from a boulder mace wielding monster.

At one point, he remembered when she would've been too afraid to even stand in the presence of an enemy, but now here she was fighting one almost without issue.

After her command, she jumped back as a dagger wielding boy shrouded in a yellow cloak took her place and unleashed a chain of sword skills on the monster.

However, before he could make the final hits, the girl ran forward and using a white sword, struck the monster again with a single-hit sword skill.

Not even a second later, the dagger wielder, easily avoiding the sword, completed his skills and finished off the monster.

"Nice one!" Ducker enthusiastically called out after defeating the enemy. At the same time, he turned towards the girl and put up a hand.

The girl smiled as she hit his hand with her own.

He smiled at the display, proud of his guildmates... although he couldn't help but feel a bit dispirited.

What is my purpose?

Watching the guildmates that once seemed like they were getting in over their heads defeating monster after monster without assistance... Kirito couldn't help but feel a bit redundant.

Today, it was just the three of them exploring the dungeon of the 73rd floor – Currently the highest floor they could reach.

Ordinarily, their entire guild team would have been there for the sake of safety, however, due to the fact that Kirito was there, Ducker – and more surprisingly Sachi – felt as if his presence was enough to even the odds.

The rest of their guildmates were actually in the 73rd floor's fields right now, along with a group of formerly low-level players from the middle floors.

Amazingly, using the knowledge of safer training areas, Keita was able to aid in the levelling up efforts of approximately 6 new players without incurring the ire of the usual frontliners.

Always the type of leader who would lead by example, he was probably currently with them, showing them the ropes.

Too bad for Tetsuo and Sasamaru who had the misfortune of being dragged along this time.

At least they have roles...

Unknown to the rest of his party, Kirito had these thoughts the entire time they explored...


"Keep it up!" a supportive voice called out. "Don't worry about a grazing hit! Trust your companions to make up for the damage!"

Crossing his arms and leaning against a tree that looked and felt like it was made up of the same dirt that it was growing from, Kirito watched as the many new players struck at the monsters in front of them.

Despite Keita's words, they didn't seem to hesitate too much, as weapons flew forward and staggered the monsters before making a «switch» to their partymates to finish it off.

The monsters died without resistance, exploding into thousands of polygons as the players cheered at their accomplishment.

The trio who was exploring the dungeon about an hour ago had left it to meet up with the rest of their team.

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