I Am Afraid To Love Someone

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I don't know how to love myself, what more on somebody?

I am afraid to love
or to give myself in love.
Even in the least attraction,
I am afraid.
Because the thought of them not liking me
and them being very different from me,
I am afraid of that.
The truth is,
I feel deeply misunderstood
like no one will understand my layers.
And with that,
no one can love
and accept me for who I am.
And with that,
I retreat from falling.

But hey . . .
I am . . .
I am very soft you know.
I can be very soft . . .
very fragile,
very vulnerable—
very naked.
If you could just understand me within the surface,
if you could just look beneath what's not there—
and still accept me for it.

I am afraid you will not accept me.
But I am so soft you know . . .
I can be very soft,
and loving,
and romantic
so why don’t they accept me?

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