Cute Cat

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After Sidney intervened with the fight between Rory and Madison, Rory spent the rest of the night at the party drinking. Liam was by her side at all times, like a watch dog. Watching over her as she drank her anger away until she felt all giddy inside. He tried to get her to slow down, but the stubborn girl simply dismissed him.

The couple were at the back side of the house outside. Liam thought it was best for Rory to get some fresh air.

"You're the best boyfriend. Have I ever told you that?" Rory slurred in a happy tone as her arms were lazily wrapped around his neck and her back against the wall.

Liam chuckled at Rory's affectionate behavior. She was always lovey dovey when drunk. Barely being able to keep her hands off him. His hands were on her waist to keep her steady.

Rory pouted, thinking Liam was laughing at her. "What? I mean it." She moved her hands and pulled him down closer to her level by his shirt and grinned devilishly. "You just get me."

"You mean so much to me." She said almost in a purr as her drunken eyes glazed over with lust.

Liam felt himself melting at her words. He was like puddy in her hands. He noticed the way her body grew hot and the way she looked as if she wanted to devour him.

"Baby..." Liam's voice came out in a breathy tone. His grip on her waist tightening.

Rory leaned closer and started pressing soft kisses along his jaw. It felt like heaven to Liam, but the smell of alcohol reminded him why they went outside in the first place.

He gently pulled her back as a confused pout spreaded across her face. "Not tonight, sweetheart." Liam gave her a warm smile as he tugged the stray curls around her face behind her ears. "I'll go get you some water and then we're leaving, okay? Stay right here."

Rory nodded her head with a lazy smile. Her small hands giving Liam's arms a small squeeze. "Hurry back."

Liam let out a light chuckle at her neediness. "I'll be right back." He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before walking away inside the house.

Rory's attention was quickly drawn to a black cat walking right past her to the backyard. "Kitty!" She slurred as she happily followed after the cat. A drunken stumble in her walk.

She caught up with the cat and caught it's attention. Rory slumped onto the grass, legs crossed as she gently ran her fingers through the cat's black fur. The feline purring as it rubbed itself against her thighs.

"Cute cat."

The voice caught both Rory and the feline's attention. The cat quickly ran off causing a drunk Rory to pout. She looked up at where the voice came from and saw a very tall slim guy. He had a black beanie with bleached blonde hair peaking out and many piercings.

"You scared it away." Rory complained as she saw that the cat was nowhere in sight anymore.

Rory was so drunk she didn't even know who was standing in front of her. Even the feline sensing the evil appearing from the shadows as it was quick to flee. Rory not knowing the familiar face that was looking at her with adoration he didn't even try hiding.

The blonde stalked closer with a smile on his face. "Sorry bout that." Stu couldn't explain the feelings inside him at getting to talk to Rory again after two years. It was like smelling a familiar scent that brought back memories during a certain time in your life. "What ya doing out here all alone anyway?"

Rory still kept herself seated on the ground. She had to crane her neck up to look at the towering stranger. Something about him looked so familiar she couldn't put her finger on it. "Waiting for my boyfriend."

𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 ~ billy loomis & stu macherWhere stories live. Discover now