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"Y/N L/N, you are under arrest with theft. You can get a lawyer and everything you say starting from now can be used against you." An officer said and handcuffed me.

I am so confuse, what is happening?

"Sir, what did I steal? I never did anything like that." I complained.

"Let's talk at the police station."


"WHAT?" I asked loudly.

"Rindou Haitani said you use his bank account and send money to your mom. Do I need to repeat it again?" The officer in charge of me said.

I sat and starts combing my hair in frustration. "I never did it, sir. I don't have my phone
that time-"

"The evidence says you did it, so expect you'll be imprisoned for a year or two. Depends if you can pay him."

"Sir, those records doesn't prove that I am the one who sends it, it is possible that he use my phone to have access on my accounts. You are a police officer, you should consider every possibilities for the investigation instead of jumping to conclusions." I stated.

He close his eyes like he is calming himself. "This is why law students annoying when they are at the police station, you guys are a bunch of know-hows. You are just studying law and we are working with the law for years. Don't lecture me, my experience is nothing to your studies."

This dumb bald officer, did he left his brain somewhere?

Rindou came and I got delighted. "Rin." I called him.

My brows met when he ignored me.

"She's claiming she never use her phone that time, is it true?" The officer asked.

"No, I really don't know how she knew my account so please investigate further." Rindou said.

The officer nodded. I am utterly shock. Rindou starts spitting nonsense, saying I also steal his black card to buy some shoes for my brother. That fucker..

I started crying the officer won't let me explain myself and just listens to Rindou. The officer left and Rindou can leave. I'll be staying here for the next 48 hours before I'Il be transfered in the detention center to have trial in court.

Rindou get close to my ear. "I used you
so well, it is time to dispose you." He
whispered. "Let's play using the law you're so proud of." After saying his shits, he smirked and laughed silently and evilly.

I started bawling, he didn't change after all. He got me again with his lies. I am locked for 48 hours, I didn't eat the foods the police gave me.

At the detention center.

"3356, you have a visitor." 3356 is my prison number so l went our of the cell.

"Mom." I cried when I saw her.

She's also crying and looks really to tired. I touched the glass between us.

"What happen? You will never steal something, how could they accuse you?" She said.

"I am sorry, Mom. I swear I didn't steal anything from him. I am sorry for worrying you like this." I sobbed.

"I am now finding you a lawyer, but no one wants to do it since they said it is dangerous. It is gang related, why are you witha gang member, my daughter?"

"I just ended up being with him. I am sure they will put a public defender as my lawyer so don't think about it too much."

"I don't trust them.. I am sure they will
just let you lose the trial. I will do my best
to find you a lawyer, don't worry. Even if I need to loan money just to pay them."

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