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Four years passed and I am now a lawyer at a big law firm in Tokyo. I earn well enough to renovate my mom's house and have a better apartment near my workplace.

I am at the Shibuya intersection going to work. I am waiting for the green light for the pedestrian so I can cross. I remember, this is where Rindou first saw me.

I brush it off since I don't want to remember Rindou. I look up at a huge tv screen in one of the buildings.

"Prison break?" I read the news.

A lot of inmates escaped from the prison. Uhh... It will be a mess again for us law workers.

I pulled down my pencil skirt before crossing the lane. I arrived at the law firm and greeted everyone with a smile like I always do.

"Ms. Y/N." Someone called me when I entered the office.

"Oh... Ms. Yabuki, have you been well?"

Ms. Yabuki was my client, her husband beat her up so she wants a divorce. I won her case and all their family's property goes to Ms. Yabuki.

"Of course, it is all because of you." She said.

"No... it is my job so no worries. Anyways, what brings you here?"

"I visited my parents in the province and got some tangerine, I just think of you so..."

"I can't accept that, you know how it works, ma'am."

"Please do, just take it as a token of friendship. I am not your client anymore, remember?"

I laugh a little and nod. "Then, I'll enjoy eating these." I said and brought the box of tangerine beside my desk.

I thanked her and we said goodbyes. After giving me the tangerine, she left.

My bear calling...

"Oh hello, why's this Cutie calling me?"

"Sis, don't be surprised."


"I am chosen to play and represent the school in the spring tournament!"

"Oh really?"

"What is this dull reaction? Aren't you supposed to be excited and surprised?"

"I am not, I know you're good enough to even play in nationals. Who's brother are you?"

"Yours! I will do my best, you'll come right?"

"Of course, if I am not busy."

"Stop being busy!"

"Hey, if I don't work, who will buy you shoes? Will you earn money for us?"

"Tch. You're so petty."

He ended the call. He must be sulking somewhere right now. I smiled imagining how cute he is.

I have finished reading the documents for my cases this week and next week... I'm so tired.

When I arrive at my apartment, I stretch my neck because it is numb.

"It's been a while." I heard a familiar voice.

I live alone, who the heck?

I turned on the lights. I saw Rindou sitting on my couch while inhaling his cigarettes.

I was so shocked, I could only gulp and walk backwards slowly. Then I ran to the door.

Rindou chased me and pulled my hair then pinned me in the wall. He starts sniffing my neck like a pervert he is.

Feeling his breath on my neck, my body stiffened. He starts caressing my thigh. "I see, you also look good with a pencil skirt." He gets close to my ears and whispers. "Let's take it off, hmm?"

- END -

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