Chapter 14

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Saintess Of The Archon War by: Sheolle


Chapter 14

What really behind the dimensional gate are dungeons that reaches up to 100th floor according the information Uriel have given us. The dimensional gate connects our Alfheim village to other worlds – a place that countless of monsters spawn and resides, and it is also a place for heroes like us to grow and nurture our fighting capabilities.

"Do you think we will return in one piece?" Sage asked the spear user woman.

Mimosa rolled her eyes and turned her attention towards the dimensional gate. "Of course! I'm pretty strong. And we have that giga chad general Adolf and the G.O.A.T. healer general Teresa in the expedition team."

(AN: Chad is a slang term for an alpha male. And the G.O.A.T. stands for the Greatest Of All Times)

"I can still vividly remember how the three of them immediately immobilize me, and then she immediately healed me in an instant without anyone noticing." Duke stated as he looked at my direction.

"I can't really believe General Teresa is a one star hero only. Her physical attributes surpasses the one, two and even three star heroes' stats in this village. Aside from that, she is proficient in hand to hand combat and have both healing and magic skills." Olivia stated with a serious voice.

I just ignored the four of them and continue to stare at the system window that popped out in front of me.

[Dungeon Floor: 1 Capacity 0/6]

The bystanders were still looking at us, I can saw the nervousness reflecting in their eyes, some heroes decided to visit the training ground with Mikhail leading today's training of the heroes.

"'I'm going to register the heroes who will enter the dimensional gate." I said as I put the names of the members of the expedition team on the dimensional gate's system window.

After putting our names on the system window of the dimensional gate, we were now authorize to enter the gate. My heart was pounding thrice its normal rate because I didn't know what danger is lurking behind this portal. Aside from the memory of me being electrocuted when I first touch the portal, what Mikhail told me about him and Adolf facing an angel still made my skin crawl making goose bumps.

Everything were prepared from food supplies down to utility items as well as our weapons. Each one of us were carrying a bag made from woven grass and hays. I didn't expect that Emma who was born as a wealthy woman back on Earth knew how to weave a fabric. Aside from that, Paimon my small six winged white dragon was still clinging at my back hidden from beneath the comfort of my cloak.

The second generation heroes didn't know the existence of Paimon because he kept on sheltering under my cloak. And the first generation heroes didn't even bothered looking for my white dragon.

"Why these creepy eyeballs are keeps on following us?!" Mimosa said with an irritated voice.

"Enough of that ruckus, it's following us to observe and evaluate our actions inside the dimensional gate." Adolf said nonchalantly for this was a norm to him.

[Ding! Dimensional Gate Floor 1 Participants: Adolf«★★★★★», Mimosa«★★★», Sage«★★», Teresa«★», Duke«★», Olivia«★» Access Granted!]

"Expedition team gather up here!" Adolf who was standing beside me called out the rest of the team.

The five star berserker said in a firm tone with a hint of authority in his voice. He was indeed the general of the first division and also the head of the expedition team. Sage, Duke, Olivia and Mimosa looked at one another before coming close to us.

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