Chapter 2: Lone Wolf

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Kael Thorn stood at the edge of the forest clearing, back rimrod straight and fists clenched at his sides. He dug his nails into calloused palms, embracing the bite of pain to keep composure. Before him, the two young wolves circled and snapped, their aggression mounting.

"Enough!" Kael's command cut through the night air like a whip. "Stand down, both of you."

The larger russet wolf ducked his head but kept icy blue eyes trained on his opponent. The smaller gray wolf bared his fangs briefly before also lowering his gaze. They stepped apart, flanks heaving from the scuffle.

Kael watched them intently, willing his own pulse to steady. "You know the law. No violence between packmates." He turned to fix the russet wolf with a piercing look. "Rodrick. What happened here?"

Rodrick's ears swiveled back and he whined softly. After a pause, his form rippled and elongated into a powerfully built young man with unruly auburn hair. Pulling on the jeans that lay discarded nearby, Rodrick kept his eyes downcast.

"Tobias challenged my rank, Alpha. Called me unworthy." Rodrick shot a glare at the other wolf.

Kael nodded slowly. "And you could not resist answering this challenge with violence?"

Rodrick's jaw tightened. "My apologies, Alpha. You know I struggle to control my temper."

"That does not excuse it." Kael paced between them. "I expect you to be the wolf who masters his emotions, not the other way around."

Coming to a stop before the still-transformed Tobias, Kael softened his tone. "Stand and explain your side, young one."

Fur rippled away to reveal a gangly, sandy-haired boy. Tobias yanked on his clothes hastily under Kael's patient gaze. "I meant no real disrespect to Rodrick," he mumbled. "Just frustrated that he acts above his rank."

Kael crossed his arms, regarding both boys sternly. "You each bear fault here. Rodrick, you let ego dictate your actions. And Tobias, you goaded him intentionally." Kael waited a beat. "I expect more restraint from members of my pack, especially with the moon so near."

Properly chastened, heads bowed in submission once more.

"Now embrace as brothers and let this quarrel die tonight."

The two wolves shuffled forward reluctantly to grasp forearms in the pack's greeting. Kael observed their tentative reconciliation with hidden satisfaction. Though these scuffles tested his patience, it was his duty as Alpha to arbitrate disputes and restore unity.

Feeling the situation was sufficiently diffused, Kael granted them leave from his presence to cool down. He watched Rodrick and Tobias lope off in wolf form towards the forest's shadowy edge. This remote clearing served as the gathering point for Kael's small but fiercely loyal pack. All werewolves technically belonged to a pack; it was their fundamental nature. But Kael's band consisted entirely of lone wolves who rejected the politics of Avaloria's larger packs. Still, he did his best to impose order and justice amongst them, as any good Alpha should.

Now alone beneath the muted stars, Kael closed his eyes and inhaled deeply of the night air. His senses came alive, filtering each scent and sound with preternatural sharpness. His inner wolf stirred impatiently beneath his human facade, eager for the freedom the coming full moon promised.

Kael shared that eagerness, though he did not show it outwardly. As Alpha, he must remain composed at all times, in control. He channeled the moon's wild energy into steadfast leadership rather than volatile emotion. Tonight, that restraint had been tested. Keeping his hot-bloded packmates in line so near the fullest moon challenged even his self-mastery.

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